Regulatory News: THERACLION (ISIN: FR0010120402; Mnemo: ALTHE), an innovative company developing a scalable robotic platform for non-invasive echotherapy, announces today the treatment of varicose veins patients with SONOVEIN for the first time in the United States (US). The study has been approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) a few months ago. Since then, Theraclion has installed its state-of-the-art SONOVEIN platform and trained physicians. The first patients have been treated by...
Regulatory News: THERACLION (ISIN: FR0010120402; Mnemo: ALTHE) (Paris:ALTHE), an innovative company developing a scalable robotic platform for non-invasive ultrasound therapy, today announced that 1000 patients suffering from varicose veins have been treated with the SONOVEIN®. These patients have received non-invasive echotherapy treatment in several centres in Europe and Asia, all led by key-opinion leaders in their field. The SONOVEIN, CE marked in 2019, is the only non-invasive ablation...
Regulatory News: THERACLION (Paris:ALTHE) (ISIN: FR0010120402; Mnemo: ALTHE), an innovative company developing a scalable robotic platform for non-invasive ultrasound therapy, today released its 2021 results. Theraclion continues its new growth momentum for 2022, focusing on the development of its technology to launch the next generation SONOVEIN®. The development teams are working on the next generation of the SONOVEIN® robotic platform. It will integrate the collection and analysis of...
Regulatory News: THERACLION (ISIN: FR0010120402; Mnemo: ALTHE), an innovative company developing a scalable robotic platform for non-invasive echotherapy , announces today the first patient treatment in an early-stage breast cancer study in collaboration with the University of Virginia Cancer Center, USA. The trial seeks to investigate the combination of High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) and low-dose chemotherapy to augment immune control of breast cancer. Early-stage breast cancer focus...
Regulatory News: THERACLION (Paris:ALTHE) (ISIN: FR0010120402; Mnemo: ALTHE), an innovative company developing a scalable robotic platform for non-invasive echotherapy, unveils today its new plan for growth. Major milestones have been reached, preparing the launch of SONOVEIN® next generation. Strategic achievements in 2021, allowing further developments in 2022 Theraclion’s ambition to replace the surgical act with a robotic platform for non-invasive treatment by echotherapy is in motion. In...
Regulatory News: THERACLION (ISIN: FR0010120402; Mnemo: ALTHE), an innovative company developing a scalable robotic platform for noninvasive echotherapy , announces today the appointment of Yann Duchesne as Chairman of the Board of Directors after the tragic death of Christopher Bödtker mid-December. Yann Duchesne is a seasoned French executive & CEO who served on numerous boards globally. He will lead Theraclion to the next level of development and value creation. Christopher Bödtker, had...
Regulatory News: THERACLION (Paris:ALTHE) (ISIN: FR0010120402; Mnemo: ALTHE), an innovative company developing a scalable robotic platform for noninvasive echotherapy providing consistent, data driven and evidence-based patient care , announces today the completion of the first varicose veins echotherapy treatment in China. The first milestone of our study, which will open the way to Asian markets. Kwong Wah Hospital is a major public hospital in Hong Kong, and its vascular surgical team...
Regulatory News: THERACLION (ISIN: FR0010120402; Mnemo: ALTHE), an innovative company developing a scalable robotic platform for none invasive treatment by echotherapy including varicose veins , announces today its annual results for the first 6 months of the year ended 30 June 2021 with a complete recovery from COVID period and ambitious development plans in Europe and in the US. SONOVEIN®, the cornerstone of the future of Theraclion in Europe and in the US The technological developments of...
Regulatory News: THERACLION (ISIN: FR0010120402; Mnemo: ALTHE, PEA-PME eligible) (Paris:ALTHE), an innovative company specialized in echotherapy treatment (using High Intensity Focused Ultrasound or HIFU) , announces FDA (Food & Drug Administration) approval for the first trial with SONOVEIN in the United States (US). After this clinical trial, a full pivotal study will be conducted for FDA review for market authorisation. The study will be initiated as soon as possible and conducted in a...
Regulatory News: THERACLION (Paris:ALTHE) (ISIN: FR0010120402; Mnemo: ALTHE, PEA-PME eligible), an innovative healthtech company with its leading edge high-tech echotherapy platform, today announces its sales revenues for the first half of 2021. Theraclion on its way to recover pre Covid performances After several months of lockdown and suspension of non-urgent medical treatments due to the global health crisis, Theraclion’s commercial activity has resumed. Intensified efforts have been...
Regulatory News: This replaces the announcement made at 6:00 pm CET on June 22, 2021 due to updates to the 2nd paragraph relating to investment from Bernard Sabrier and Unigestion acting on their own behalf and 3rd paragraph relating to Mehdi El Glaoui's investment motivation. Theraclion Strengthens Its Board of Directors THERACLION (Paris:ALTHE) (ISIN: FR0010120402; Memo: ALTHE, PEA-PME eligible), an innovative company specializing in ultrasound therapy (using High Intensity Focused Ultrasound...
Regulatory News: THERACLION (Paris:ALTHE) (ISIN: FR0010120402; Memo: ALTHE, PEA-PME eligible), an innovative company specializing in ultrasound therapy (using High Intensity Focused Ultrasound or HIFU), announces the arrival of a health specialist, Mehdi El Glaoui. He joins the board of directors and also invests 1.5% of the company's capital. Two weeks after the announcement that businessman Bernard Sabrier and his fund, Unigestion, had increased their stake in the capital of Theraclion,...
Regulatory News: THERACLION (ISIN: FR0010120402; Memo: ALTHE, PEA-PME eligible), an innovative company specializing in ultrasound therapy (using High Intensity Focused Ultrasound or HIFU), announces that Bernard Sabrier and Unigestion, acting on their own behalf, have informed Theraclion that they have crossed the thresholds of 20% and 25% of the company's capital and voting rights. This situation results from the conversion of convertible bonds into shares and is a sign of confidence in...
Regulatory News: THERACLION (ISIN: FR0010120402; Mnemo: ALTHE, PEA-PME eligible), an innovative company specialized in echotherapy treatment (using High Intensity Focused Ultrasound or HIFU), announces a phase-2 collaboration with the University of Virginia Cancer Center. This extends the investigation of combining HIFU with immunotherapy from late-stage to that of early-stage breast cancer. If successful, such a protocol could open a new way for treatment. An estimated 3.8 million women have a...
Regulatory News: THERACLION (ISIN: FR0010120402; Mnemo: ALTHE, eligible PEA-SME), an innovative company developing a scalable robotic platform for none invasive treatment by echotherapy including varicose veins , announces today its annual results for the year ended 31 December 2020 and its strategy for the coming two years. A new crucial step in the performance of our technology In 2020, Theraclion has succeeded to maintain its effort in the development of its platform, SONOVEIN® and is ready...
Regulatory News: THERACLION (Paris:ALTHE) (ISIN: FR0010120402; Mnemo: ALTHE, PEA-PME eligible), an innovative company specializing in the development of medical equipment for echotherapy treatment, notably for varicose veins, today announces its sales revenues for the year 2020 and roll-out strategy for 2021. Roll-out strategy 2021 SONOVEIN S, the last generation of SONOVEIN® systems (CE marking obtained in Oct. 2020), makes SONOVEIN a strong alternative in treatment of varicose veins. It...
Regulatory News: THERACLION (Paris:ALTHE) (ISIN: FR0010120402; Mnemo: ALTHE), an innovative company specialized in echotherapy treatment (using High Intensity Focused Ultrasound or HIFU) notably for varicose veins, announces today that it has raised €3.0 million from investors and obtaining PGE loans from Bpi France and CIC of €1.5 million. €4.5 million in new funding allows Theraclion to stay ahead, whilst accelerating commercial rollout In 2019 Theraclion raised first tranche of €4,8...
Regulatory News: THERACLION (Paris:ALTHE) (ISIN: FR0010120402; Mnemo: ALTHE, PEA-PME eligible), an innovative company specialized in echotherapy treatment (using High Intensity Focused Ultrasound or HIFU), announces highly positive results for its non-invasive echotherapy solution, SONOVEIN . Professor Dr. Mark Whiteley presented his results during the 34 th annual congress of the American Vein & Lymphatic Society (AVLS). AVLS is the premier and largest association for physicians dedicated to...
Regulatory News: THERACLION (ISIN: FR0010120402; Mnemo: ALTHE, PEA-PME eligible) (Paris:ALTHE), an innovative company specialized in echotherapy treatment (using High Intensity Focused Ultrasound or HIFU), has obtained CE Mark for the second generation of SONOVEIN®, it’s HIFU treatment solution for varicose veins. It has also signed a strategic supplier partnership with SuperSonic Imaging (part of Hologic Inc.). Theraclion’s ambition is to give all patients access to non-invasive varicose...
Regulatory News: THERACLION (ISIN: FR0010120402; Mnemo: ALTHE, PEA-PME eligible) (Paris:ALTHE), an innovative company specializing in the development of medical equipment for echotherapy treatment, notably for varicose veins, today announces its half-year results 2020. David Caumartin, CEO of Theraclion, commented: « We are seeing a resumption of SONOVEIN® treatments in most of the centres already installed since the lifting of containment in France and other countries. All our teams have...