Curatis Holding AG / Key word(s): Strategic Company Decision Curatis Announces Formation of Distinguished Advisory Board 11.03.2025 / 07:00 CET/CEST MEDIA RELEASE Liestal, Switzerland, 11 March 2025: Curatis Holding (SIX:CURN) announces today the formation of an Advisory Board comprised of four internationally recognized experts across multiple medical and scientific disciplines. The board brings together leaders in pediatric oncology, neurology, drug development, and biochemistry to guide...
Curatis Holding (SIX:CURN) announces today the formation of an Advisory Board comprised of four internationally recognized experts across multiple medical and scientific disciplines. The board brings together leaders in pediatric oncology, neurology, drug development, and biochemistry to guide Curatis's research initiatives and strategic direction. "We are honored to welcome these distinguished experts to our Advisory Board," says Roland Rutschmann, CEO of Curatis. "Their collective expertise...
Curatis Holding (SIX:CURN) a étudié en détail la voie réglementaire à suivre en vue d'une éventuelle approbation du C-PBTE-01 aux États-Unis. Les clarifications détaillées en collaboration avec un cabinet d'avocats américain de renom et ses experts en réglementation ont montré que C-PTBE-01 répond aux critères d'une demande de licence biologique (BLA). S'il est approuvé aux États-Unis, cela se traduirait par une protection commerciale de 12 ans, soit beaucoup plus que les sept...
Curatis Holding AG / Key word(s): Strategic Company Decision Curatis wird für C-PTBE-01 in den USA eine Biologic License beantragen - damit erhöht sich die Dauer des Marktschutzes in den USA markant im Falle einer Zulassung 14.11.2024 / 07:00 CET/CEST MEDIA RELEASE Liestal, Schweiz, 14. November 2024: Curatis Holding (SIX:CURN) hat im Hinblick auf eine mögliche Zulassung des Hauptprojekts C-PBTE-01 in den USA vertieft klären lässen, welcher Zulassungsweg beschritten werden soll. Die...
Curatis Holding (SIX:CURN) has explored in detail which regulatory pathway should be pursued in view of a possible approval of C-PBTE-01 in the USA. The detailed clarifications in collaboration with a renowned US law firm and their regulatory experts have shown that C-PTBE-01 meets the criteria for a Biologic License Application (BLA). If approved in the USA, this would result in a market protection of 12 years, significantly longer than the 7 years market protection under orphan drug status....
Curatis Holding AG / Key word(s): Half Year Results Curatis: Deutlich gesteigerter Umsatz im Kerngeschäft und Projekte in Entwicklungs-Pipeline auf Kurs 16-Sep-2024 / 07:00 CET/CEST Release of an ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. Ad-hoc-Mitteilung gemäss Art. 53 KR Liestal, Schweiz, 16. September 2024: Curatis Holding (SIX:CURN) weist für das H1 2024 einen Geschäfterlös von 2.0m CHF aus, wobei die Curatis AG...
Curatis Holding AG / Key word(s): Miscellaneous Teilnahme an der Investora am 19. September 2024 und frühere Publikation des Halbjahresreports am 16. September 12.09.2024 / 19:46 CET/CEST MEDIA RELEASE Liestal, Schweiz, 12. September 2024: Curatis Holding (SIX:CURN), ein Pharmaunternehmen mit Fokus auf Orphan Drugs und Spezialitäten-Medikamente nimmt zum ersten Mal an der Investora teil und präsentiert ihr Geschäftsmodell am 19. September um 08:00 Uhr. Daher werden die Zahlen des 1....
Curatis Holding AG / Key word(s): Expansion/Strategic Company Decision Curatis auf Kurs: Einreichung des Antrags für Orphan-Drug-Designation des wichtigsten Produktkandidaten in den USA 27.08.2024 / 17:45 CET/CEST MEDIA RELEASE Liestal, Schweiz, 27. August 2024: Curatis Holding (SIX:CURN) hat bei der US-Medikamentenbehörde FDA eine Orphan-Drug-Designation-Anmeldung für ihren Lead-Produktkandidaten C-PBTE-01 eingereicht. Das Produkt soll das grosse Leid von Kindern mit Nebenwirkungen bei einem...
Curatis Holding AG / Key word(s): Research Update Curatis Holding AG: Initiation of Coverage and Publication of Equity Research Report by valuationLAB 25.07.2024 / 07:00 CET/CEST MEDIA RELEASE Curatis Holding (SIX:CURN) announces that the life science research company valuationLAB has initiated coverage and has issued an equity research report on the Company which estimates a current risk-adjusted net present value for Curatis Holding of CHF 20.00 per share which corresponds to an enterprise...
Curatis Holding AG / Key word(s): AGMEGM Annual General Meeting of Curatis Holding AG approved all proposals of the Board of Directors 21.06.2024 / 17:13 CET/CEST MEDIA RELEASE Liestal, Switzerland, 21 June 2024: Curatis Holding AG (CURN.SW), a SIX Swiss Exchange listed specialty pharmaceutical and therapeutic drug development company focused on orphan and ultra-orphan indications today held its Annual General Meeting. The shareholders of Curatis Holding AG voted in favour of all proposals of...
Curatis Holding AG / Key word(s): Annual Results/Personnel Curatis Holding AG publishes Annual Report of the (then still named) Kinarus Group for FY2023 and announces appointment of Chief Financial Officer 24-May-2024 / 07:00 CET/CEST Release of an ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR Full Annual Report of Kinarus Therapeutics Holding AG for the financial year 2023 published...