Condor Technologies NV (EURONEXT: MLMFI ISIN: BE6252013725), announces that, on November 18 th.2022, its board of directors has decided to propose to the general shareholders’ meeting to split the shares of Condor Technologies NV. The proposed transaction entails that each existing share would be split into six (6) new shares. If the proposed share split is approved by the shareholders, the share capital of Condor Technologies NV will be represented by 13,913,790 new shares. After the split,...
Ernest C. Schlotter, a senior analyst at SISM Investors based in Zurich, Switzerland, and a four-star analyst according to StarMine, a former Thomson Reuters company, published an eight-page report on Condor Technologies NV (MLMFI.PA ISIN: BE6252013725) dated October 4, 2022. The report includes a 12–24-month target equity valuation and analyst rating/recommendation. SISM Investors met its 12-month price target of € 97.50 by valuing the Company’s business based on comparable company...
Nous avons le plaisir d'annoncer la reprise des opérations en bourse à compter du 23 août pour Condor Technologies (MLMFI.PA) sur Euronext Access Exchange à Paris. La reprise des opérations en bourse coïncide avec la dernière phase du développement de notre scanner intra-oral de deuxième génération. Ce développement est un scanner d'imagerie 3D à lentilles multiples révolutionnaire. Le développement est réalisé par le français Invis’art SAS (FR71878526433, Château de...
We zijn verheugd de heropening aan te kondigen van de handelssessies op 23 augustus voor Condor Technologies (MLMFI.PA) op de Euronext Access Exchange in Parijs. De hervatting van de handel valt samen met de laatste fase van de ontwikkeling van onze tweede generatie intra-orale scanner. De ontwikkeling is een revolutionaire 3D-beeldscanner met meerdere lenzen. De ontwikkeling wordt gedaan door Invis'art SAS, een bedrijf in Frankrijk (FR71878526433, Château de Tarailhan, 11560 Fleury D'Aude). De...
We are pleased to announce the reopening of the trading sessions on August 23rd for Condor Technologies (MLMFI.PA) on the Euronext Access Exchange in Paris. The resumption of the trading coincides with the last phase of the development of our second generation intra oral scanner. The development is a revolutionary multi lens 3D imaging scanner. The development is being done by Invis’art SAS, a company in France (FR71878526433, Château de Tarailhan, 11560 Fleury D’Aude). The opportunity of...