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Type: Actions
Ticker: ELIS
ISIN: FR0012435121

Elis: Disclosure of trading in own shares occured from November 4 to November 6, 2024

  • 71

Disclosure of trading in own shares occurred
from November 4 to November 8, 2024

Saint-Cloud, 8 November 2024

Transactions occurred under the share buyback program approved by the shareholders’ general meeting of May 23, 2024.

Aggregated presentation:

Issuer name Issuer code
Transaction date ISIN Code Daily total Volume (in number of shares) Daily weighted average price of shares acquired (in euros) Platform (MIC Code)
ELIS SA  969500UK71LCE8MAY492 11/04/2024 FR0012435121 28,000 21.78 XPAR
  Total 28,000 21.78  

The purpose of the own shares purchase operations carried out on November 4, 2024 is to ensure the allocation of free shares to employees as part of the contribution to the Elis for All 2024 international employee shareholding plan.


Nicolas Buron
Director of Investor Relations, Financing & Treasury
Phone: + 33 (0)1 75 49 98 30 - [email protected]

Charline Lefaucheux
Investor Relations
Phone: + 33 (0)1 75 49 98 15 - [email protected]

Detailed presentation:

Issuer name Issuer code Name of intermediary Intermediary Code Transaction date/time (CET) ISIN Code Price Currency Volume Platform Code Transaction reference number Purpose of the buyback
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 09:09:24 FR0012435121 269 21.12 EUR XPAR cOfygRTRQzKKcRjvZEXtXAA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 09:09:24 FR0012435121 239 21.12 EUR XPAR 0cmdTK0fRRqPeL-qS_DfSQA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 09:18:02 FR0012435121 496 21.16 EUR XPAR 0j_SuwE0T3ehPM9UyxGKLgA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 09:18:02 FR0012435121 37 21.16 EUR XPAR VkyZ_Hy3QUG3sCZ3Bn4zggA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 09:23:55 FR0012435121 261 21.22 EUR XPAR z_6wQ3TNTaatljqPs3NJ2AA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 09:23:55 FR0012435121 275 21.22 EUR XPAR fvEFHWIrRs2KskR_2_t-6AA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 09:23:55 FR0012435121 273 21.22 EUR XPAR y9E-xG14QhWAW_bfXvO77wA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 09:32:29 FR0012435121 269 21.26 EUR XPAR H4Ei332nROu9w79WitZ-SwA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 09:32:29 FR0012435121 263 21.26 EUR XPAR p2luUZlNQE6Ak5J07Jba6gA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 09:40:02 FR0012435121 489 21.26 EUR XPAR Uh6f46ysT0CpgdMciZd5EwA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 09:46:13 FR0012435121 258 21.28 EUR XPAR 0da58ui4QPucteQiiN_p3gA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 09:49:56 FR0012435121 277 21.26 EUR XPAR LahoCNuvScG1_ToDACtwRAA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 10:01:11 FR0012435121 454 21.30 EUR XPAR TT6vhCxfT3uc1ePOuevkLQA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 10:11:04 FR0012435121 379 21.32 EUR XPAR pnaZS9rvTe6uh4clGkdt1gA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 10:11:04 FR0012435121 393 21.32 EUR XPAR J3RoTBDoQAGWOhyeM8BqLQA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 10:25:26 FR0012435121 264 21.26 EUR XPAR yMAvFADWQYKzbLk3Q36MiAA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 10:25:26 FR0012435121 246 21.26 EUR XPAR sYvKWV8pR0mXYq0KqHBjeAA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 10:25:26 FR0012435121 237 21.26 EUR XPAR 5bLQvmHFTqmzThrVday5SgA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 10:33:41 FR0012435121 114 21.20 EUR XPAR lr4BhsNPT8aeQ4mrIO2mHgA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 10:43:38 FR0012435121 265 21.22 EUR XPAR GG88YrjuTnSWLUIEnBsvUAA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 10:51:59 FR0012435121 245 21.26 EUR XPAR x05TUdiyQBGPYI44o0F23AA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 10:51:59 FR0012435121 387 21.26 EUR XPAR k_cc1DW1TEuNCCmK3rqKjgA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 10:51:59 FR0012435121 5 21.26 EUR XPAR w0uRUSWoS9aKONSihX2lsAA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 10:51:59 FR0012435121 150 21.26 EUR XPAR ZuOXqMUfSWyI0UTDXJvyggA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 10:55:58 FR0012435121 242 21.24 EUR XPAR S8dbKOzXS7Srx_Qh4oc_cQA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 11:11:57 FR0012435121 42 21.26 EUR XPAR 3w0aUZy5QHyxvnoxE8jNSAA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 11:11:57 FR0012435121 46 21.26 EUR XPAR BYx9E_oLRZK_PGaxNo7ihwA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 11:11:57 FR0012435121 125 21.26 EUR XPAR QdBiAhsMQJ63smbQmANz7AA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 11:11:57 FR0012435121 46 21.26 EUR XPAR 0mYSdCmfQVqxMIBlKSwqrQA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 11:11:57 FR0012435121 22 21.26 EUR XPAR LRcCG1EqTiiS6bVmhG6CagA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 11:19:12 FR0012435121 271 21.26 EUR XPAR TZ3sL43pSNS0XGEEdBVOsAA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 11:19:12 FR0012435121 257 21.26 EUR XPAR fNw73k5VR-iGFnR1jRyZNwA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 11:19:12 FR0012435121 13 21.26 EUR XPAR -fSQ-gXKQHeSralgV7kRfAA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 11:21:46 FR0012435121 214 21.24 EUR XPAR Ayg-eRxwQ0W910AXzDZGpQA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 11:21:47 FR0012435121 56 21.24 EUR XPAR TXDinez-Qtij72Vvm7LQ_QA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 11:27:58 FR0012435121 149 21.22 EUR XPAR CLz1AdMBQlal5xZFJF7TrgA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 11:27:58 FR0012435121 125 21.22 EUR XPAR alLgMz1XQ1y26RrL6ztVJQA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 11:36:56 FR0012435121 253 21.28 EUR XPAR GDjeFugmQKq2IAb6P4EI9AA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 11:36:56 FR0012435121 254 21.28 EUR XPAR HC5bDJABRIiVjj_KAtb2XwA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 11:57:30 FR0012435121 79 21.22 EUR XPAR Mlt_5jRRQnO6Eptgl5PRLAA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 11:57:30 FR0012435121 85 21.22 EUR XPAR o4SHiCC4RKaXP62cbK7qbAA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 11:57:30 FR0012435121 85 21.22 EUR XPAR QxBdT96BRzKuJf_2YUD4kwA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 11:57:30 FR0012435121 287 21.20 EUR XPAR 5MT_oHcySq-37XSXiVA11AA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 11:57:30 FR0012435121 246 21.20 EUR XPAR FdLEy1I7SL2wKitSdvcQVAA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 11:57:30 FR0012435121 241 21.20 EUR XPAR hqE6aI1pRVW70Ik6FT9LcwA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 12:14:34 FR0012435121 250 21.18 EUR XPAR aBZSPnmfT72rO3hcT9B7KQA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 12:26:39 FR0012435121 509 21.20 EUR XPAR qyssdhCyShyYiBZLXNctSgA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 12:46:13 FR0012435121 257 21.16 EUR XPAR zO2tp9IqTR-4lAmXUZLlcgA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 12:46:13 FR0012435121 249 21.16 EUR XPAR 0I2lKnj7R7uPulbhOr14AwA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 13:09:25 FR0012435121 42 21.22 EUR XPAR zi3vhshIRlmL1JtbJ2k5BQA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 13:09:25 FR0012435121 54 21.22 EUR XPAR TJc0Q2AkQk-xAJYMlXDDWQA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 13:09:25 FR0012435121 45 21.22 EUR XPAR 37vLovfmQI20XTWQzTrAawA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 13:09:25 FR0012435121 45 21.22 EUR XPAR MwppwWtjRj-v0WG1i9l5_gA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 13:13:14 FR0012435121 138 21.22 EUR XPAR 0hciT_lBQ-GLg6GtT4KeDwA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 13:13:14 FR0012435121 188 21.22 EUR XPAR sBb-_WX5S_yk9gKp7dhnBQA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 13:13:14 FR0012435121 326 21.22 EUR XPAR GL008qDOS66j3HSsM5UC8gA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 13:13:14 FR0012435121 50 21.22 EUR XPAR 10Vy4tJ9R_280hvtuF0cIwA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 13:13:14 FR0012435121 144 21.22 EUR XPAR wNyriOCsQF23e-4quoseygA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 13:28:27 FR0012435121 123 21.20 EUR XPAR 1cFPwh8BQ4GTTw1SZ7ZZXwA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 13:28:27 FR0012435121 123 21.20 EUR XPAR o1rX4MXxQi2u76PYn201ugA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 13:48:32 FR0012435121 54 21.22 EUR XPAR vZwzNBuhRMWehWhvFFzTtwA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 13:48:32 FR0012435121 125 21.22 EUR XPAR 9HWfv3pRRhy_cr4f5ktU2AA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 13:48:32 FR0012435121 52 21.22 EUR XPAR V05zczagQ4-XaOBst4FBaAA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 13:48:32 FR0012435121 17 21.22 EUR XPAR IzuRpUO3TLmOg_itjckuBQA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 13:52:09 FR0012435121 147 21.20 EUR XPAR SdpY8EH9SiCxX5nXNdY0ngA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 13:52:09 FR0012435121 96 21.20 EUR XPAR yGzaYb2nR9WmQkun-RpfHgA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 13:52:09 FR0012435121 162 21.20 EUR XPAR YWQN_dAmSUCZd5hiN6gsHAA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 13:52:09 FR0012435121 238 21.20 EUR XPAR 4jcVLro3TbmxanPUAKMW9QA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 13:52:09 FR0012435121 74 21.20 EUR XPAR YZJGQz2fSBywVYohNKr_7QA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 14:17:19 FR0012435121 523 21.22 EUR XPAR rGsWe0jxRr-QVwyPIkt3jQA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 14:17:19 FR0012435121 237 21.22 EUR XPAR syAeDHcCQIyllksCPVsEhgA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 14:17:19 FR0012435121 237 21.22 EUR XPAR mdVMOZxxRtyAm_mq-wqEEwA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 14:30:11 FR0012435121 238 21.20 EUR XPAR H4Y0nLzXT8aW26k3UNlvQAA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 14:40:06 FR0012435121 494 21.20 EUR XPAR JmKm9BUcQwuf782RtLti0wA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 14:48:48 FR0012435121 266 21.26 EUR XPAR nGgA6-CETs-MKZQVaUJ6mQA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 14:52:11 FR0012435121 306 21.26 EUR XPAR crNF3w-XRJ-lOtRjf7grogA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 14:58:51 FR0012435121 261 21.26 EUR XPAR 2agyrxU0S2mjC3tmBrNu5gA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 15:12:43 FR0012435121 15 21.26 EUR XPAR tFvxB_vPTqCYytC3OlJJYgA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 15:13:16 FR0012435121 273 21.26 EUR XPAR E7Mq1ScQT4SgVbzfT-uIhQA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 15:14:25 FR0012435121 236 21.24 EUR XPAR Zu89oEbsTuOCeZTRBVRn6QA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 15:14:25 FR0012435121 248 21.24 EUR XPAR ZgAgMed-RkGmhzLJNUc7gwA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 15:14:25 FR0012435121 236 21.24 EUR XPAR tTYNATYCSiGOE9_4WoLXDwA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 15:22:01 FR0012435121 216 21.24 EUR XPAR 0zrFtXgaSViRN99QM1DA9QA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 15:22:01 FR0012435121 26 21.24 EUR XPAR oVelr7-tTNaEuaY1aKs0SAA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 15:30:30 FR0012435121 285 21.24 EUR XPAR 4TSNEyVuTImV7IGmS-iY6AA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 15:30:30 FR0012435121 266 21.24 EUR XPAR 38BnSfAzSw6PKaUNUsd8FQA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 15:33:48 FR0012435121 282 21.24 EUR XPAR MAkk6jFaSIqyXihBxD7xTwA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 15:45:35 FR0012435121 503 21.26 EUR XPAR DlkewsSBT3CvEQQQ_QwsTQA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 15:45:35 FR0012435121 200 21.26 EUR XPAR R4CgpeX0SVCSb_uqK8PkDgA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 15:45:35 FR0012435121 80 21.26 EUR XPAR 0ke75Mk2QU-68Jfuo6dxjQA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 15:52:20 FR0012435121 233 21.26 EUR XPAR MiZokPv1QNKekhpYdHoE2AA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 15:52:20 FR0012435121 46 21.26 EUR XPAR v116SgVrQAGvOj4JeepXeAA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 15:57:24 FR0012435121 510 21.28 EUR XPAR 2CJsGmeeQTC8VarYQbiIOAA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 16:11:22 FR0012435121 284 21.28 EUR XPAR Xj_uQERXRqGBQO3Fl3G09wA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 16:11:22 FR0012435121 550 21.28 EUR XPAR YaE2Zd9fSgaNtUF9nw1CvQA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 16:23:45 FR0012435121 561 21.38 EUR XPAR SrFKNHMVQDyx1by4uc0x9gA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 16:24:03 FR0012435121 277 21.38 EUR XPAR 5l6vC0d1SLiaAZ_pWumb_gA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 16:35:21 FR0012435121 434 21.40 EUR XPAR V_ljBqjDQZ-o-fPPFh9JuwA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 16:35:21 FR0012435121 54 21.40 EUR XPAR GdRgCd68SxaYcpeFU4NnGQA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 16:35:21 FR0012435121 55 21.40 EUR XPAR oEXKZ4PXQKm-gGl7QP7MKQA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 16:35:21 FR0012435121 196 21.40 EUR XPAR soLJImDZQSyi5-PdNoPe-wA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 16:40:49 FR0012435121 33 21.36 EUR XPAR i_e2aw5ySyCsoJKpRfRQ8AA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 16:40:49 FR0012435121 248 21.36 EUR XPAR ppz7hUrlTKyXSkJ-4AV8EgA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 16:47:19 FR0012435121 277 21.34 EUR XPAR 7dQO4puaTtSBH4zs_hlGwQA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 16:55:28 FR0012435121 257 21.32 EUR XPAR SP7xrT3rS1eHvCMK7tCM9gA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 16:55:28 FR0012435121 257 21.32 EUR XPAR hKPIK8P6QE-tDvJljUadrwA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 17:01:42 FR0012435121 510 21.32 EUR XPAR LgqUOrFBTmKjpLCI8Koc6wA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 17:06:08 FR0012435121 282 21.30 EUR XPAR czCvcPsHThWq9X1RaW3qSAA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 17:10:31 FR0012435121 71 21.32 EUR XPAR _oOfxwYMQNyOMp8mf7YyBgA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 17:10:31 FR0012435121 193 21.32 EUR XPAR cFxquYX_RhmA8r-2CWcQ5gA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 17:10:31 FR0012435121 209 21.32 EUR XPAR l374LVUETyCwXQdVeGHdvgA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 17:10:31 FR0012435121 36 21.32 EUR XPAR qvcl98lqQU6F_rLD2bBCbQA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 17:12:55 FR0012435121 268 21.30 EUR XPAR zkcYLQ0lTEK8EDhEruRsQAA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 17:21:01 FR0012435121 273 21.36 EUR XPAR 11oaLDk5QRCbWjmITsC2JgA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 17:26:12 FR0012435121 1 21.42 EUR XPAR cLIAtmSpR7aih4rOXqNxXwA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 17:26:12 FR0012435121 46 21.42 EUR XPAR PsAbBq2PT3Ob1M95cxuOnQA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 17:26:12 FR0012435121 48 21.42 EUR XPAR K9TtQj26SviWfOcK_2twCgA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 17:26:12 FR0012435121 55 21.42 EUR XPAR zcI8HHysQVubHkJl4VUiIQA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 17:26:12 FR0012435121 101 21.42 EUR XPAR MyHjBS0KTXSPLtH2kgiHSAA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 17:26:30 FR0012435121 48 21.42 EUR XPAR -PIL318lQ4OgjucEPbQ0vgA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 17:26:30 FR0012435121 48 21.42 EUR XPAR tcW6j52AQl-LqQldNryp_QA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 17:26:30 FR0012435121 46 21.42 EUR XPAR kZuAVUN5SiOE9TcbaogkaAA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 17:26:30 FR0012435121 53 21.42 EUR XPAR EwjJ98eoSbmxVKNPgzRGUgA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 17:26:30 FR0012435121 125 21.42 EUR XPAR ScgtCxC9R3-CkzzvECJ8OwA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 17:26:30 FR0012435121 125 21.42 EUR XPAR HVvP984OR_uhryxv3WlgVwA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 17:26:43 FR0012435121 16 21.42 EUR XPAR nR7QlP6cTB2qJZE2mOeuQgA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 17:27:00 FR0012435121 288 21.42 EUR XPAR qDyP3WfFRbSrj3oB-umMBQA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 17:27:04 FR0012435121 514 21.42 EUR XPAR Ea_IGbWRQmil_C09Vp4F3gA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 17:27:13 FR0012435121 265 21.44 EUR XPAR dTHT_XpNQ-SyNulRlULNIQA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 17:27:13 FR0012435121 37 21.44 EUR XPAR Eyvt2aatQb-zVguOU-UTLwA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 17:27:13 FR0012435121 51 21.44 EUR XPAR S3U2XANtQayIlwWB1NZalQA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 17:27:13 FR0012435121 42 21.44 EUR XPAR QBXfcgsXRdCExvS8zf6iTgA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 17:27:13 FR0012435121 105 21.44 EUR XPAR FpE6SESYQKyPho8lyFTYRQA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 17:27:13 FR0012435121 358 21.40 EUR XPAR GdO08ci1QX-_QRX3Ns4ztgA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 17:27:13 FR0012435121 358 21.40 EUR XPAR GXxz8cJ3TwmikeyFHzWROAA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 17:27:13 FR0012435121 72 21.40 EUR XPAR 9qRS7LTcTTKNoUH6ta0PbgA Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 17:29:52 FR0012435121 2 21.44 EUR XPAR 2774340028045 Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees
ELIS 969500UK71LCE8MAY492 Natixis KX1WK48MPD4Y2NCUIZ63 2024-11-04 17:29:52 FR0012435121 463 21.44 EUR XPAR 2774340029045 Coverage of the free allocation of shares for employees



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