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Ticker: ALTHE
ISIN: FR0010120402

THERACLION: HIFU and their Use in Immune-oncology Presented at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society of Interventional Radiology in Boston

  • 126
  • 13/06/2022 - 16:00

Regulatory News:

THERACLION (ISIN: FR0010120402; Mnemo: ALTHE) (Paris:ALTHE), an innovative company developing a scalable robotic platform for noninvasive echotherapy providing consistent, data driven and evidence-based patient care, is proud to have its technology featured by Pr. David Brenin from the University of Virginia (UVA) at the annual meeting of the Society of Interventional Radiology (SIR) in Boston, on June 15th.

Pr. David Brenin, Chief of the Division of Breast and Melanoma Surgical Services and Professor in the Department of Surgery, and Pr. Patrick Dillon, Associate Professor in the Department of Hematology and Oncology at UVA Health, have established two collaborations, using Theraclion’s technology. The first successful one, in late-stage breast cancer, has led to a new study which is on-going. The study is evaluating the conjunctive effect of Theraclion’s focused ultrasound and low-dose gemcitabine in early-stage breast cancer patients.

Focused ultrasound technology to perform image-guided tissue ablation and emerging application in immune-therapy and oncology

Based on this long experience of the technology, Pr. Brenin will give a presentation: Focused Ultrasound - Another Image-Guided Therapy for the IR toolbox- HIFU and Immune-therapy and Immune-oncology. ‘The goal of this session is to introduce Interventional Radiologists to this novel technology and review current and emerging clinical applications. Given their background and training, specifically in ultrasound and MRI, as well as their expertise in performing image-guided therapy, IRs should become familiar with focused ultrasound, and work in collaboration with a multi-diciplinary group to expand indications at their own institutions’, explains Pr. Brenin.

Our platform enables sonications inducing a variety of tissular effects such as hyperthermia, thermal ablation and boiling histotripsy. Physicians are provided with an extremely versatile tool to provoke tumor stress’, comments Michel Nuta, Chief Medical Officer at Theraclion.

The Society of Interventional Radiology (SIR) is a professional medical society. Its Annual Scientific
Meeting is happening from June 11th to 15th in Boston (US). This recognized forum for peer-reviewed presentations of new research by interventional radiologists and allied scientists from around the world attracts more than 5,000 physicians, scientists and allied health professionals. Interventional radiologists pioneered minimally invasive treatment. Interventional radiology treatments performed by board-certified experts can deliver solutions with less risk, less pain and less recovery time than traditional surgery.

To attend the presentation

Follow this link:
‘Focused Ultrasound - Another Image-Guided Therapy for the IR toolbox’
HIFU and Immune-therapy and Immune-oncology
Wednesday, June 15th, 2022, 9:25am – 9:40am, Location: Room 257

About Theraclion

At Theraclion we believe that surgery, as we know it, is outdated. It converts optimistic patients into anxious individuals, brilliant doctors into exhausted system executors and stretches healthcare systems to the limit. We have disrupted this convention by creating extracorporeal treatment platforms. We replace surgery with a robotic treatment from outside the body using High Intensity Focussed Ultrasound (HIFU). Our leading edge echotherapy platforms are currently CE marked in non-invasive treatment of varicose veins with SONOVEIN® and of breast fibroadenomas and thyroid nodules with Echopulse®.

Located in Malakoff, near Paris, our employees live and breath innovation by extensive clinical research and harness artificial intelligence. The market of varicose veins treatment alone requires around 5 million procedures annually. It is a dynamic market in which we change paradigms by making non-invasive echotherapy the new standard.

For more information, please visit and our patient website

Theraclion is listed on Euronext Growth Paris

Mnemonic: ALTHE - ISIN code: FR0010120402

LEI: 9695007X7HA7A1GCYD29

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