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Ticker: X

United States Steel Corporation Declares Dividend

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United States Steel Corporation (NYSE: X) (“U. S. Steel”) announced today that its Board of Directors declared a dividend of $0.05 per share of U. S. Steel Common Stock. The dividend is payable on Wednesday, June 7, 2023, to stockholders of record at the close of business on Monday, May 8, 2023.

Founded in 1901, United States Steel Corporation is a leading steel producer. With an unwavering focus on safety, the Company’s customer-centric Best for All® strategy is advancing a more secure, sustainable future for U. S. Steel and its stakeholders. With a renewed emphasis on innovation, U. S. Steel serves the automotive, construction, appliance, energy, containers, and packaging industries with high value-added steel products such as U. S. Steel’s proprietary XG3® advanced high-strength steel. The Company also maintains competitively advantaged iron ore production and has an annual raw steelmaking capability of 22.4 million net tons. U. S. Steel is headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with world-class operations across the United States and in Central Europe. For more information, please visit www.ussteel.com.

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