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Ticker: TYL

Tyler Technologies Shares 2023 Investor Day Presentation Link

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Tyler Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: TYL) hosted an Investor Day for institutional investors and financial analysts today, June 15, 2023, in Frisco, Texas.

“We were thrilled to welcome investors and analysts to Tyler’s Investor Day,” said Lynn Moore, president and chief executive officer of Tyler. “It was a great opportunity to meet and reconnect in person while being able to share Tyler’s strategic direction and plan for sustained growth over the next several years.”

The event included presentations by Lynn Moore and members of the senior leadership team and featured three Q&A sessions with attendees. Presentations focused on Tyler’s cloud transition and strategic growth roadmap, including its differentiated payments platform and other growth drivers. Speakers also discussed Tyler’s mid- to long-term financial targets and capital allocation framework supporting Tyler’s 2030 vision.

An archived replay of the Investor Day presentation, along with supporting materials, is now available for access at the Events & Presentations section of Tyler’s investor relations website.

About Tyler Technologies, Inc.

Tyler Technologies (NYSE: TYL) provides integrated software and technology services to the public sector. Tyler’s end-to-end solutions empower local, state, and federal government entities to operate efficiently and transparently with residents and each other. By connecting data and processes across disparate systems, Tyler’s solutions transform how clients turn actionable insights into opportunities and solutions for their communities. Tyler has more than 40,000 successful installations across nearly 13,000 locations, with clients in all 50 states, Canada, the Caribbean, Australia, and other international locations. Tyler has been recognized numerous times for growth and innovation, including Government Technology’s GovTech 100 list. More information about Tyler Technologies, an S&P 500 company headquartered in Plano, Texas, can be found at tylertech.com.


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