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- Temps différé 15min - Euronext Paris
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Type: Actions
Ticker: EMEIS
ISIN: FR001400NLM4

ORPEA: Press Release

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Regulatory News:

The ORPEA group (Paris:ORP) detected during the night of September 17 the intrusion of malware on some of its servers. The IT security teams, fully mobilized, took immediate measures to secure the systems, isolate the servers concerned (less than 1% of all servers) and temporarily shut down the entire network, thus preventing the spread of the software.

This voluntary shutdown caused disruptions to the IT systems, but in no way affected the continuity of care and social life within the facilities.

After analysis by recognized cyber security experts and thanks to the responsiveness and proper functioning of the security systems, all backups are intact and no data has been destroyed or transferred. The Group's IT infrastructure, its software and applications and all data are sound and have not suffered any damage.

The IT teams and external cyber security experts are working actively to gradually restart all servers and applications. The executive management wanted this process to be carried out step by step with extreme vigilance and with all necessary precautions. The smooth running of both the facilities and the administrative services is ensured.

The ORPEA Group has informed the competent authorities of this malicious act. The Group's priority remains, naturally, to ensure the safety and well-being of its residents, patients, families and staff.

Next press release: H1 2020 results

22 September 2020 after market close

About ORPEA (www.orpea-corp.com)

Founded in 1989, ORPEA is one of the major world players in long-term care, with a network of 1,014 facilities comprising 104,234 beds (20,932 of which are under construction) across 22 countries, which are divided into five clusters:

- France Benelux: 509 facilities/45,068 beds (of which 4,752 are under construction)

- Central Europe: 249 facilities/26,491 beds (of which 4,885 are under construction)

- Eastern Europe: 136 facilities/14,621 beds (of which 3,647 are under construction)

- Iberian Peninsula/Latin America: 119 facilities/17,914 beds (of which 7,648 are under construction)

- Rest of the world: 1 facility/140 beds

ORPEA is listed on Euronext Paris (ISIN code: FR0000184798) and a constituent of the SBF 120, STOXX 600 Europe, MSCI Small Cap Europe and CAC Mid 60 indices.

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