Ouverture: | - |
Variation: | - |
Volume: | - |
+ Bas: | - |
+ Haut: | - |
Ecart + Bas / + Haut: | - |
Type: | Actions |
Ticker: | LAT |
ISIN: | FR001400JY13 |
Summary of Latecoere’s Liquidity Contrat With Gilbert Dupont
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Regulatory News:
Pursuant to the liquidity contract granted to Gilbert Dupont regarding Latécoère (Paris:LAT) shares, the following resources were listed in the liquidity account as at June 30, 2021:
- Number of shares: 43 748
- Balance in cash: 67 951,34 €
During the 1st half of 2021, were negotiated a total of:
253 167 titres |
492 599,89 € |
1 262 transactions |
248 177 titres |
486 272,35 € |
1 192 transactions |
It is recalled that for the last half-year summary as at December 31, 2020, the following resources were included in the liquidity account:
- Number of shares: 38 758
- Balance in cash: 74 278,88 €
It is also recalled that when the contract was set up, the following resources had been allocated to the liquidity account:
- Number of shares: 11 631
- Balance in cash: 156 565,50 €
About Latécoère
As a "Tier 1" international partner of the world's major aircraft manufacturers (Airbus, Boeing, Bombardier, Dassault, Embraer and Mitsubishi Aircraft), Latécoère is active in all segments of the aeronautics industry (commercial, regional, business and military aircraft), in two areas of activity:
- Aerostructures (55% of turnover): fuselage sections and doors,
- Interconnection Systems (45% of turnover): wiring, electrical furniture and on-board equipment.
As of December 31, 2020, the Group employed 4,172 people in 13 different countries. Latécoère, a French limited company capitalised at € 23,704,629.50 divided into 94,818,518 shares with a par value of €0.25, is listed on Euronext Paris - Compartment B, ISIN Codes: FR0000032278 - Reuters: LAEP.PA - Bloomberg: LAT.FP.
Purchases |
Sales |
Numbers of transactions |
Number of shares |
Traded volume in EUR |
Number of transactions |
Number of shares |
Tradded in EUR |
1 262 |
253 167 |
492 599,89 |
1 192 |
248 177 |
486 272,35 |
04/01/2021 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
12 |
1380 |
2820,03 |
05/01/2021 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
18 |
3685 |
7835,05 |
06/01/2021 |
5 |
1608 |
3343,68 |
5 |
1099 |
2320,87 |
07/01/2021 |
5 |
1150 |
2465,72 |
12 |
2126 |
4647,44 |
08/01/2021 |
18 |
1465 |
3091,59 |
3 |
155 |
334,8 |
11/01/2021 |
16 |
2265 |
4693,99 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
12/01/2021 |
2 |
1263 |
2580,31 |
13 |
4007 |
8287,68 |
13/01/2021 |
4 |
1315 |
2683,52 |
2 |
500 |
1038 |
14/01/2021 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
10 |
2628 |
5428,13 |
15/01/2021 |
10 |
1909 |
3952,58 |
3 |
415 |
863,78 |
18/01/2021 |
7 |
975 |
2007,33 |
11 |
1562 |
3230,53 |
19/01/2021 |
7 |
1080 |
2223,18 |
7 |
1349 |
2793,1 |
20/01/2021 |
4 |
1910 |
3940,71 |
4 |
486 |
1008,45 |
21/01/2021 |
6 |
1000 |
2071,5 |
12 |
2694 |
5615,91 |
22/01/2021 |
10 |
2101 |
4360,42 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
25/01/2021 |
26 |
6516 |
13161,02 |
3 |
550 |
1128 |
26/01/2021 |
17 |
4840 |
9323,29 |
16 |
4573 |
8931,53 |
27/01/2021 |
2 |
651 |
1256,43 |
13 |
3880 |
7771,64 |
28/01/2021 |
1 |
222 |
433,34 |
7 |
2708 |
5380,25 |
29/01/2021 |
5 |
903 |
1792,36 |
8 |
1452 |
2904 |
01/02/2021 |
5 |
1700 |
3366 |
6 |
1991 |
3972,44 |
02/02/2021 |
13 |
2698 |
5361,47 |
6 |
1728 |
3457,9 |
03/02/2021 |
2 |
810 |
1611,9 |
2 |
900 |
1800 |
04/02/2021 |
9 |
2818 |
5595,14 |
9 |
1990 |
3968,86 |
05/02/2021 |
12 |
4536 |
9026,19 |
8 |
1070 |
2140,32 |
08/02/2021 |
7 |
1948 |
3874,77 |
10 |
3398 |
6785,47 |
09/02/2021 |
29 |
6806 |
13523,52 |
15 |
4178 |
8459,61 |
10/02/2021 |
15 |
4552 |
8864,56 |
15 |
4442 |
8684,11 |
11/02/2021 |
18 |
3545 |
6868,79 |
13 |
2331 |
4524 |
12/02/2021 |
20 |
3093 |
5946,6 |
14 |
2982 |
5757,35 |
15/02/2021 |
12 |
3766 |
7252,19 |
19 |
5968 |
11608,95 |
16/02/2021 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
17 |
3581 |
7037,02 |
17/02/2021 |
19 |
3737 |
7429,9 |
16 |
3482 |
6966,09 |
18/02/2021 |
26 |
5198 |
10241,62 |
14 |
3909 |
7717,54 |
19/02/2021 |
21 |
4523 |
8896,29 |
17 |
3991 |
7900,98 |
22/02/2021 |
17 |
2147 |
4215,63 |
12 |
2246 |
4422,82 |
23/02/2021 |
18 |
2886 |
5727,84 |
26 |
5183 |
10374,29 |
24/02/2021 |
2 |
653 |
1292,94 |
7 |
1505 |
3063,28 |
25/02/2021 |
30 |
6942 |
13700,73 |
17 |
3795 |
7541,04 |
26/02/2021 |
34 |
8860 |
17199,92 |
7 |
1356 |
2645,69 |
01/03/2021 |
1 |
200 |
394 |
21 |
4868 |
9660,55 |
02/03/2021 |
1 |
500 |
1005 |
11 |
3621 |
7386,84 |
03/03/2021 |
5 |
1500 |
3093 |
9 |
1315 |
2725,34 |
04/03/2021 |
23 |
4340 |
8719,06 |
2 |
100 |
201 |
05/03/2021 |
10 |
2256 |
4404,39 |
9 |
2245 |
4410,53 |
08/03/2021 |
2 |
272 |
538,07 |
8 |
1584 |
3148,2 |
09/03/2021 |
16 |
3049 |
6046,17 |
18 |
3327 |
6637,7 |
10/03/2021 |
17 |
2281 |
4498,59 |
1 |
560 |
1105,44 |
11/03/2021 |
21 |
6135 |
12045,46 |
12 |
2530 |
5004,34 |
12/03/2021 |
11 |
1185 |
2320,94 |
6 |
2319 |
4533,41 |
15/03/2021 |
3 |
300 |
591 |
23 |
4453 |
8814,27 |
16/03/2021 |
9 |
2329 |
4562,28 |
29 |
6588 |
13194,45 |
17/03/2021 |
14 |
2012 |
3983,76 |
7 |
2956 |
5932,4 |
18/03/2021 |
15 |
4237 |
8454,93 |
5 |
1000 |
2007,6 |
19/03/2021 |
12 |
2059 |
4079,7 |
3 |
1301 |
2578,32 |
22/03/2021 |
8 |
2312 |
4531,75 |
15 |
3974 |
7864,55 |
23/03/2021 |
0 |
1456 |
2892,34 |
0 |
205 |
408,85 |
24/03/2021 |
20 |
3827 |
7533,83 |
11 |
2059 |
4064,67 |
25/03/2021 |
6 |
1450 |
2832,87 |
15 |
2378 |
4706,54 |
26/03/2021 |
2 |
842 |
1641,9 |
9 |
2124 |
4166,01 |
29/03/2021 |
26 |
4515 |
8764,07 |
13 |
2074 |
4087,85 |
30/03/2021 |
18 |
2860 |
5478,9 |
9 |
994 |
1932,44 |
31/03/2021 |
14 |
2838 |
5341,97 |
6 |
1800 |
3407,04 |
01/04/2021 |
6 |
1641 |
3067,69 |
11 |
1871 |
3611,03 |
06/04/2021 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
8 |
901 |
1719,11 |
07/04/2021 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
12 |
2862 |
5519,65 |
08/04/2021 |
4 |
650 |
1228,63 |
7 |
730 |
1384,23 |
09/04/2021 |
4 |
822 |
1553,58 |
14 |
2112 |
4026,95 |
12/04/2021 |
25 |
4446 |
8505,2 |
11 |
3702 |
7152,26 |
13/04/2021 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
3 |
410 |
778,88 |
14/04/2021 |
3 |
1270 |
2401,44 |
7 |
1046 |
1981,12 |
15/04/2021 |
14 |
3686 |
6945,53 |
13 |
1852 |
3508,43 |
16/04/2021 |
7 |
1224 |
2308,83 |
11 |
2179 |
4134 |
19/04/2021 |
7 |
1292 |
2435,68 |
2 |
34 |
64,13 |
20/04/2021 |
7 |
902 |
1693,51 |
3 |
963 |
1808,13 |
21/04/2021 |
7 |
1532 |
2860,55 |
9 |
1493 |
2786,09 |
22/04/2021 |
17 |
1361 |
2532,96 |
4 |
875 |
1630,13 |
23/04/2021 |
16 |
1718 |
3166,27 |
2 |
56 |
103,6 |
26/04/2021 |
3 |
150 |
275,1 |
9 |
1929 |
3556,3 |
27/04/2021 |
4 |
916 |
1680,59 |
12 |
2290 |
4226,88 |
28/04/2021 |
31 |
5657 |
10172,42 |
7 |
1076 |
1981,67 |
29/04/2021 |
1 |
111 |
198,25 |
11 |
2663 |
4792,87 |
30/04/2021 |
9 |
3235 |
6154,91 |
46 |
7422 |
13774,49 |
03/05/2021 |
6 |
1367 |
2663,46 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
04/05/2021 |
24 |
3715 |
7062,22 |
18 |
3401 |
6622,43 |
05/05/2021 |
2 |
23 |
43,29 |
11 |
1045 |
1998,04 |
06/05/2021 |
16 |
2086 |
3944,42 |
6 |
457 |
867,52 |
07/05/2021 |
1 |
365 |
689,85 |
6 |
1512 |
2872,8 |
10/05/2021 |
0 |
709 |
1337,53 |
0 |
649 |
1227,32 |
11/05/2021 |
25 |
2746 |
5109,48 |
4 |
953 |
1799,36 |
12/05/2021 |
3 |
391 |
719,21 |
6 |
800 |
1478 |
13/05/2021 |
8 |
774 |
1418,66 |
5 |
1657 |
3064,46 |
14/05/2021 |
11 |
1470 |
2685,84 |
7 |
1018 |
1909,77 |
17/05/2021 |
24 |
3211 |
5941,31 |
23 |
2808 |
5267,25 |
18/05/2021 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
9 |
1526 |
2795,33 |
19/05/2021 |
11 |
1331 |
2412,17 |
3 |
939 |
1712,27 |
20/05/2021 |
8 |
1891 |
3408,53 |
8 |
1577 |
2849,01 |
21/05/2021 |
3 |
907 |
1648,93 |
7 |
1468 |
2679,54 |
24/05/2021 |
13 |
3918 |
7096,67 |
10 |
2199 |
4037,58 |
25/05/2021 |
5 |
576 |
1036,8 |
11 |
2710 |
4934,1 |
26/05/2021 |
5 |
669 |
1206,81 |
4 |
826 |
1499,52 |
27/05/2021 |
5 |
1047 |
1896,22 |
27 |
5275 |
9791,98 |
28/05/2021 |
5 |
1387 |
2705,2 |
21 |
3047 |
5998,32 |
31/05/2021 |
3 |
650 |
1300 |
12 |
1430 |
2904,33 |
01/06/2021 |
4 |
845 |
1726,34 |
9 |
1503 |
3082,65 |
02/06/2021 |
14 |
2516 |
5064,71 |
7 |
1092 |
2228,12 |
03/06/2021 |
15 |
5966 |
11506,03 |
8 |
1899 |
3681,02 |
04/06/2021 |
9 |
2522 |
4816,26 |
9 |
2264 |
4324,01 |
07/06/2021 |
6 |
801 |
1508,52 |
12 |
2104 |
4044,73 |
08/06/2021 |
12 |
1165 |
2239,83 |
4 |
713 |
1378,16 |
09/06/2021 |
16 |
1700 |
3250,91 |
7 |
1612 |
3096,49 |
10/06/2021 |
2 |
100 |
193,4 |
16 |
2057 |
4030,69 |
11/06/2021 |
3 |
366 |
721,61 |
3 |
438 |
870,53 |
14/06/2021 |
14 |
2683 |
5282,83 |
5 |
698 |
1388,32 |
15/06/2021 |
23 |
3007 |
5853,73 |
1 |
70 |
138,6 |
16/06/2021 |
7 |
1782 |
3385,8 |
16 |
2819 |
5479,85 |
17/06/2021 |
10 |
1294 |
2533,13 |
1 |
100 |
197 |
18/06/2021 |
9 |
2165 |
4239,94 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
21/06/2021 |
10 |
755 |
1468,78 |
3 |
1050 |
2063,57 |
22/06/2021 |
5 |
1249 |
2412,57 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
23/06/2021 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
22 |
4559 |
8947,49 |
24/06/2021 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
5 |
310 |
610,95 |
25/06/2021 |
5 |
764 |
1504,85 |
3 |
1400 |
2762,48 |
28/06/2021 |
24 |
5394 |
10481,08 |
2 |
556 |
1083,76 |
29/06/2021 |
10 |
1738 |
3251,1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
30/06/2021 |
13 |
1363 |
2519,78 |
8 |
1520 |
2869,76 |
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210705005137/en/