- EUR (-)
- Temps différé 15min - Euronext Paris
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Ecart + Bas / + Haut: -
Type: Actions
Ticker: EXA
ISIN: FR0000062671

Press Release regarding suspension of trading

  • 68

Press release

Paris, 6 November 2024



Exail Technologies has requested Euronext to suspend the trading of its stock (FR0000062671 - EXA) listed on the Euronext Paris market from the publication of this press release, pending the release of an upcoming press release.


About Exail Technologies

Exail Technologies is an industrial company specializing in high technologies in the field of autonomous robotics with vertical integration of its activities. The group offers complex systems of drones, navigation, as well as products for aerospace and photonics. Exail Technologies ensures performance, reliability, and security for its civil and military clients operating in harsh environments and generates its revenue in nearly 80 countries.



Exail Technologies is listed on Euronext Paris Compartment B (EXA) and is part of the Euronext Tech Leaders segment, which includes over 110 leading or high-growth tech companies in their fields.




Contacts :    
Investors Relations
Hugo Soussan
Tel. +33 (0)1 44 77 94 86

Anne-Pauline Petureaux
Tel. +33 (0)1 53 67 36 72
[email protected]
Media Relations
Manon Clairet
Tel. +33 (0)1 53 67 36 73
[email protected]

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Full and original press release in PDF: https://www.actusnews.com/news/88651-cp_exail-technologies_suspension-cours_en.pdf

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