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- Temps différé 15min - Euronext Paris
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Type: Actions
Ticker: TKO
ISIN: FR0013230612

Tikehau Capital : Press release

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Regulatory News:

As recently mentioned in the press, Tikehau Capital (Paris:TKO), the global alternative asset management group, continues to evaluate solutions to maximize its visibility and the attractiveness of its stock and product offering to shareholders and investors.

The US market remains the market of reference for alternative asset management, and many of the major alternative asset managers are listed in New York. Accordingly, a listing or dual listing in New York is among various solutions under consideration by Tikehau Capital to improve the valuation and liquidity of its stock and strengthen its brand and presence in this market but these deliberations are still at a preliminary stage.


Tikehau Capital is a global alternative asset management Group with €47.1 billion of assets under management (at 30 September 2024).

Tikehau Capital has developed a wide range of expertise across four asset classes (credit, real assets, private equity and capital markets strategies) as well as multi-asset and special opportunities strategies.

Tikehau Capital is a founder-led team with a differentiated business model, a strong balance sheet, proprietary global deal flow and a track record of backing high quality companies and executives.

Deeply rooted in the real economy, Tikehau Capital provides bespoke and innovative alternative financing solutions to companies it invests in and seeks to create long-term value for its investors, while generating positive impacts on society. Leveraging its strong equity base (€3.1 billion of shareholders’ equity at 30 June 2024), the Group invests its own capital alongside its investor-clients within each of its strategies.

Controlled by its managers alongside leading institutional partners, Tikehau Capital is guided by a strong entrepreneurial spirit and DNA, shared by its 767 employees (at 30 September 2024) across its 17 offices in Europe, the Middle East, Asia and North America.

Tikehau Capital is listed in compartment A of the regulated Euronext Paris market (ISIN code: FR0013230612; Ticker: TKO.FP). For more information, please visit: www.tikehaucapital.com.


This document does not constitute an offer of securities for sale or investment advisory services. It contains general information only and is not intended to provide general or specific investment advice. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future earnings and profit, and targets are not guaranteed.

Certain statements and forecasted data are based on current forecasts, prevailing market and economic conditions, estimates, projections and opinions of Tikehau Capital and/or its affiliates. Due to various risks and uncertainties, actual results may differ materially from those reflected or expected in such forward-looking statements or in any of the case studies or forecasts. All references to Tikehau Capital’s advisory activities in the US or with respect to US persons relate to Tikehau Capital North America.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20241121382058/en/

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