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Ticker: ABIO
ISIN: FR0000060402

Albioma : Availability of Half-Year Financial Report - First half of the 2022 financial year

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Press release

Paris La Défense, 5 August 2022

Availability of Half-Year Financial Report

First half of the 2022 financial year

Albioma announces that, this day, the French-language version of its Half-Year Financial Report for the first half of the 2022 financial year (6-month period from 1 January to 30 June 2022) has been made available to the public and filed with the French Financial Markets Authority (Autorité des Marchés Financiers).

The Half-Year Financial Report may be consulted on the Company’s website,

Next on the agenda: revenue figures for the third quarter of the 2022 financial year, on 25 October 2022 (post trading).

About AlbiomaContacts
An independent renewable energy producer, Albioma is committed to the energy transition thanks to biomass and photovoltaics.

Albioma operates in Overseas France, France metropolitan, Mauritius and Brazil. For 25 years, it has developed a unique partnership with the sugar industry to produce renewable energy from bagasse, the fibrous residue of sugar cane.

Albioma is the leading producer of photovoltaic energy in Overseas France, where the company builds and operates innovative projects with storage, Albioma has strengthened its position in mainland France.

Recently, the Group announced the acquisition of a geothermal power plant in Turkey.
Julien Gauthier
+33 (0)1 47 76 67 00

Charlotte Neuvy
+33 (0)1 47 76 66 65
[email protected]
Albioma is listed on the Euronext Paris compartment A, is eligible for the deferred settlement service (SRD), PEA and PEA-PME plans and is included in the SBF 120 and CAC Mid 60.

The Group is also included in the Gaïa-Index, an index for socially responsible midcaps.




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