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ISIN: ES0105465001

Home Trust Releases 2020 Public Accountability Statement

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Home Capital Group Inc. (“Home Capital” or “the Company”) (TSX:HCG) reported that the Public Accountability Statement for Home Trust Company, a subsidiary of Home Capital, is now available online at www.hometrust.ca/about/public-accountability. The Public Accountability Statement highlights activities that Home Trust has undertaken to support its commitment to corporate social responsibility.

Home Capital Group Inc. is a public company, traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange (HCG), operating through its principal subsidiary, Home Trust Company. Home Trust is a federally regulated trust company offering residential and non-residential mortgage lending, securitization of residential mortgage products, consumer lending and credit card services. In addition, Home Trust offers deposits via brokers and financial planners, and through a direct-to-consumer deposit brand, Oaken Financial. Home Trust also conducts business through its wholly owned subsidiary, Home Bank. Licensed to conduct business across Canada, we have offices in Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, Nova Scotia, and Quebec.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210514005055/en/

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