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Ticker: MLHK
ISIN: DE000A11Q133

H&K AG: Judgment of the Frankfurt am Main Higher Regional Court dated 15 December 2023

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H&K AG: Judgment of the Frankfurt am Main Higher Regional Court dated 15 December 2023

15-Dec-2023 / 15:45 CET/CEST
Dissemination of a French Regulatory News, transmitted by EQS Group.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

Ad hoc notification H&K AG of 15 December 2023

Oberndorf am Neckar, 15 December 2023: Frankfurt am Main Higher Regional Court today ruled in the legal dispute between Compagnie de Developpement S.A., Luxembourg ("CDE") as claimant and Mr Andreas Heeschen as defendant that ownership of the 15,000,787 H&K AG shares, which are the subject of the legal dispute, has not yet been transferred to CDE. Instead, Mr Heeschen merely has an obligation to transfer slightly more than 13 million H&K shares to CDE as the future owner. According to the judgment, ownership of the H&K shares will transfer to CDE at the time when the judgment of Frankfurt am Main Higher Regional Court becomes legally binding. Whether one or both of the parties to the legal dispute will appeal against the judgment of Frankfurt am Main Higher Regional Court remains to be seen.

Regulatory filing PDF file

File: Ad_hoc_EN_final

Language: English
Company: H&K AG
Heckler & Koch-Straße 1
78727 Oberndorf am Neckar
Phone: 07423 79-0
Fax: 07423 79-2350
E-mail: [email protected]
ISIN: DE000A11Q133, XS1649057640
AMF Category: Inside information / Other releases
EQS News ID: 1798235
End of Announcement EQS News Service

1798235  15-Dec-2023 CET/CEST

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