Roermond 3 May 2019 . On Friday 3 May 2019 Sif Holding n.v. held its Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) in Roermond. The most important resolutions voted by the AGM are as follows. Approval of financial statements, discharge and dividend proposal The 2018 financial statements were approved. The dividend proposal to pay out € 0.10 per ordinary share in cash was approved as well. Both Supervisory Board and Executive Board were discharged for supervision and management. Supervisory...
Operational highlights Production of transition pieces and monopiles for Seamade and Triton Knoll and production of monopiles for Borssele 3&4 Load-out for Hohe See and Albatros completed Construction of new coating facilities on schedule for completion in July 2019 AX ERP system is being implemented; final stations operational in May 2019 Workforce end Q1 at 512 FTE (292 permanent and 220 flexible), increased by 83 FTE from 429 at the end of 2018 Total throughput of approximately 42 Kton steel...
We herewith present you our 2018 annual report as an attachment. Annual Report 2018 final 21032019 This announcement is distributed by West Corporation on behalf of West Corporation clients. The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein. Source: Sif Holding NV via Globenewswire...
Operational highlights: Continued strong safety performance resulting in LTIF of 0.97 for FY 2018 (1.49 in 2017) Production and/or delivery of monopiles and transition pieces for Borssele 3+4, Hohe See, Albatros, Trianel and Norther offshore wind farms Delivery of pin piles for Peregrino and Sverdrup jacket foundations Innovations support decreasing LCOE for offshore wind Contracts won for Seamade and Borssele 1+2+3+4 New exclusive position for 75 Kton project Total throughput of approximately...
Roermond (the Netherlands), 26 February 2019 - Sif Holding N.V. today announces that it has reached an agreement with RABO bank, ING, ABN AMRO, Euler-Hermes and Tokio Marine concerning the refinancing of the Company. The new credit facility of € 350 million in total replaces the facility of € 250 million in total set to expire mid-2019. The new facility expires 22 February 2022, with two one-year extension options. The facility consists of a revolving credit facility of € 100 million and a...
Roermond, the Netherlands, 31 January 2019. After meeting the relevant criteria for three consecutive years, Sif Holding N.V. will become subject to the large company regime ( volledig structuurregime ) as from 1 February 2019. The large company regime allows employees to have a say in the appointment of supervisory board members and certain power is shifted to the supervisory board in accordance with the Dutch Civil Code. The applicability of the large company regime amongst others entails the...
Roermond, the Netherlands 12 December 2018 . Sif Holding N.V. announces that Dredging International has awarded to Sif the production of 58 monopiles and the primary steel of the transition pieces for SeaMade offshore wind farm. The contract has been awarded by EPCI-contractor Dredging International, a DEME Group's subsidiary. The transition pieces will be manufactured in joint venture with Smulders in Hoboken. SeaMade offshore wind farm is located approximately 40 to 50 km off the coast of...
Highlights: High sales activity in closing and pursuing monopile projects for 2019-2021 timeframe Appointment and start of CEO Fred van Beers Production resumed in August after 4-month black-out period Successful testing of blue piling innovation Material supplies and load-outs delayed beyond Sif's control Key figures: Year-to-Date contribution decreased to €57.0 million (€104.7 million YTD 2017) Adjusted EBITDA Year to Date fell to €13.0 million (€44.9 million YTD 2017) Operating...
Roermond, the Netherlands 25 October 2018 . Sif Holding N.V. announces that Ørsted has awarded to Sif the production of 47 monopiles (approx. 40 Kton) for the Borssele I-II offshore wind farm. Richard Jongen, Commercial Manager Wind Sif: "This is the first time Sif is going to manufacture the offshore foundations for a wind project on behalf of Ørsted. With our new assembly facility and state-of-the-art deep-sea quay on Maasvlakte II (Port of Rotterdam), Sif is ideally located and perfectly...
Operational highlights: Contract won for Borssele 3&4; financial close 28 June 2018 Contract won for Tyra jacket components Delivery of monopiles and transition pieces for Hohe See and Borkum West 2 (Trianel) offshore wind farms Delivery of pin piles for Johan Sverdrup and Peregrino jacket foundations Extensive maintenance program and layout adjustments during period of low utilization Total throughput of approximately 81 Kton steel (108 Kton in HY1 2017) 78% for offshore wind (91% HY1 2017) 22%...
Roermond, The Netherlands, 10 July 2018. The Supervisory Board of Sif Holding N.V. will nominate Fred van Beers for appointment as the company's new CEO effective 1 September 2018 at the General Meeting of Shareholders to be held on 31 August 2018. The Works Council has been informed and requested to provide advice. nomination fred van beers ceo This announcement is distributed by Nasdaq Corporate Solutions on behalf of Nasdaq Corporate Solutions clients. The issuer of this announcement warrants...
Operational highlights: Q1 strong commercial quarter Contract award for Borssele III & IV for production 2018 (wind) Deutsche Bucht Demonstrator Project for production in 2018 (wind) 100 Kton exclusive negotiations for production in 2019 (wind) Delivery of monopiles and transition pieces for Hohe See, Norther and Albatros offshore wind farms Delivery of pin-piles for Johan Sverdrup jacket oil & gas project Total throughput of approximately 52 Kton steel (66 Kton in Q4 2017) 82% for offshore wind...
Roermond, the Netherlands 20 April 2018 . Sif Holding N.V. announces today that it has been awarded the production of 77 monopiles (68 Kton) for the Borssele III & IV offshore wind farm. Borssele III & IV is developed by a consortium (Blauwwind II) comprising Shell, Eneco, Van Oord, and Diamond Generating Europe, a wholly owned subsidiary of Mitsubishi Corporation. The contract has been awarded by Van Oord as the EPCI contractor for the project and is subject to financial close. The Borssele III...
Sif's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders is scheduled for 3 May 2018. Attached please find the Notice and the Agenda for the Meeting. SIF Notice and Agenda 2018 This announcement is distributed by Nasdaq Corporate Solutions on behalf of Nasdaq Corporate Solutions clients. The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein. Source: Sif Holding NV via Globenewswire...
Today Sif released Q4 and FY 2017 earnings. The results were explained by CEO and CFO during a webcast analyst presentation. Attached please find the slides that are used at this presentation. sif Q4 and FY 2017_Company Webcast This announcement is distributed by Nasdaq Corporate Solutions on behalf of Nasdaq Corporate Solutions clients. The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein....
Please find attached Sif's Annual Report 2017. SIF Annual Report 2017 This announcement is distributed by Nasdaq Corporate Solutions on behalf of Nasdaq Corporate Solutions clients. The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein. Source: Sif Holding NV via Globenewswire...
Operational highlights Q4: Continued strong safety performance resulting in LTIF of 1.49 for FY 2017 (2.83 in 2016) Production of monopiles and transition pieces for Hohe See, Albatros, Borwin 3, Trianel and Norther offshore wind farms Delivery of pin piles for Peregrino jacket foundation New location at Rotterdam (Maasvlakte 2) running at full capacity Total throughput of approximately 66 Kton of steel (Q4 2016: 49 Kton) results in FY 2017 production of 232 Kton (FY 2016: 191 Kton) o 208 Kton...
Roermond (the Netherlands), 13 March 2018 Sif Holding N.V. ("Sif", or the "Company") today announces that Jan Bruggenthijs will not be available for reappointment as CEO and member of the Executive Board. Mr. Bruggenthijs (60) will step down for personal reasons upon the end of his current term at the close of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) on 3 May 2018. Mr. Bruggenthijs has been CEO and member of the Executive Board since September 2014. The Supervisory Board would, on behalf...
Roermond, 22 February 2018. The Supervisory Board of Sif Holding N.V. will nominate Mr Peter Visser and Mr Peter Wit for appointment as members of the Supervisory Board at the General Meeting of Shareholders to be held on 3 May 2018 in Roermond. Peter Visser (1956), Dutch nationality, was appointed ad interim on 1 November 2017. The Supervisory Board appointed him following the sudden resignation of Alexander van Wassenaer in October 2017. Peter Visser represents major shareholder GKSE Holding...
Roermond (The Netherlands) , 29 January 2018. Sif Holding NV announces that Mr Maarten Sch ö nfeld has stated he will not be available to serve another term as Member of the Supervisory Board of the company when his current term ends at the close of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) on 3 May 2018. Maarten Schönfeld joined the Supervisory Board in 2016 for a two-year period during which he would focus mainly on supporting the company following its listing on Euronext Amsterdam in...