Home › GBP/USD › Nieuws › Sentiment Study: Navigating GBP/USD amidst central bank announcements GBP/USD OverzichtKoersenGrafiekSignalenNieuwsAnalysesFuturesProfielWall - USD (-) - Real-time data - Forex Open: - Verschil: - Volume: - Laag: - Hoog: - Hoog - Laag: - Type: Forex Ticker: GBPUSD ISIN: Overzicht Koersen Grafiek Signalen Nieuws Analyses Futures Profiel Wall Sentiment Study: Navigating GBP/USD amidst central bank announcements 386 0 In this third episode of Sentiment study with Monte, we explore the GBP/USD and learn how IG client sentiment and CoT ... IG Markets