Home › VIVENDI SE › Nieuws › Vivendi warns on tough times ahead VIVENDI SE OverzichtKoersenGrafiekSignalenNieuwsAnalysesWarrantsProfielWall - EUR (-) - 15 min. vertraagde - Euronext Paris Open: - Verschil: - Volume: - Laag: - Hoog: - Hoog - Laag: - Type: Aandelen Ticker: VIV ISIN: FR0000127771 Overzicht Koersen Grafiek Signalen Nieuws Analyses Warrants Profiel Wall Vivendi warns on tough times ahead 352 0 http://www.euronews.net/ Vivendi has slashed its dividend payments to shareholders in anticipation of what it says will be two difficult years. Europe's largest ... Euronews