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Ticker: LBRT

Liberty Energy Announces Quarterly Cash Dividend

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Liberty Energy Inc. (NYSE: LBRT; “Liberty” or the “Company”) announced today that its Board of Directors (the “Board”) has declared a dividend of $0.05 per share of Class A common stock, to be paid on September 20, 2023 to holders of record as of September 6, 2023.

Future declarations of quarterly cash dividends are subject to approval by the Board of Directors and to the Board’s continuing determination that the declarations of dividends are in the best interests of Liberty and its stockholders. Future dividends may be adjusted at the Board’s discretion based on market conditions and capital availability.

About Liberty

Liberty is a leading North American energy services firm that offers one of the most innovative suites of completion services and technologies to onshore oil and natural gas exploration and production companies. Liberty was founded in 2011 with a relentless focus on developing and delivering next generation technology for the sustainable development of unconventional energy resources in partnership with our customers. Liberty is headquartered in Denver, Colorado. For more information about Liberty, please contact Investor Relations at [email protected].

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Business Wire
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