AABB - Asia Metals Inc. Anticipates Record High Quarter Gold Production As Gold Reaches Highest Price Since 2012
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LAS VEGAS, June 25, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Asia Broadband Inc. (AABB), through its wholly owned subsidiary Asia Metals Inc., announced today that the Company is expecting its highest gold production quarter to date for the upcoming period ending June 30th, as gold prices surpass their highest level since October 2012. The Company’s gold production more than doubled in the first quarter of 2020, in comparison to the fourth quarter of 2019, due to the higher daily throughput levels and metals extraction efficiencies achieved with the new production facilities that began the operational phase-in process early this year. For the entire second quarter of 2020, the Company’s operations utilized and benefited from the production and efficiency increases established in the first quarter.
Furthermore, recent economic conditions have created strong and unprecedented fundamentals for gold producer equities. The economic volatility, uncertainty and inflationary effects of the Coronavirus pandemic have launched gold and gold producers into a significant growth phase. Additionally, the recent decline of the oil market has elevated the gold-to-oil ratio to all time highs indicating lower production costs and increased profit margins for gold producers. AABB is anticipating a three-fold increase in gold production levels in 2020 from the Company’s added operational capacity.
Asia Broadband Inc. (OTC : AABB), through its wholly owned subsidiary Asia Metals Inc., is a resource company focused on the production, supply and sale of precious and base metals, primarily to Asian markets. The Company utilizes its specific geographic expertise, experience and extensive industry contacts to facilitate its innovative distribution process from the production and supply of precious and base metals in Guerrero, Mexico, to our client sales networks in Asia. This vertical integration approach to sales transactions is the unique strength of Asia Broadband and differentiates the Company to its shareholders.
Contact the Company at:
Email: | [email protected] |
Website: | www.asiametalsinc.com |
Phone: | 702-866-9054 |
Cervitude Intelligent Relations | |
Nicholas Coriano |
Forward-Looking Statements are contained in this press release within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements are based on the Asia Broadband Inc.’s (the “Company”) expected current beliefs about the Company’s business, which are subject to uncertainty and change. The operations and results of the Company could materially differ from what is expressed or implied by the statements made above when industry, regulatory, market and competitive circumstances change. Further information about these risks can be found in the annual and quarterly disclosures the Company has published on the OTC Markets website. The Company is under no obligation to update or alter its forward-looking statements as future circumstances, events and information may change.
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