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Ticker: MFA

MFA Financial, Inc. Announces Dividend of $0.35 per Share

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MFA Financial, Inc. (NYSE: MFA) announced today that its Board of Directors has declared a regular cash dividend for the second quarter of 2023 of $0.35 per share of common stock. The dividend will be paid on July 31, 2023, to common stockholders of record on June 30, 2023.

MFA Financial, Inc. is a leading specialty finance company that invests in residential mortgage loans, residential mortgage-backed securities and other real estate assets. Through its wholly-owned subsidiary Lima One Capital, MFA also originates and services business purpose loans for real estate investors. MFA has distributed over $4.6 billion in dividends to stockholders since its initial public offering in 1998. MFA is an internally-managed, publicly-traded real estate investment trust.

Category: Dividends

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