Home › H & M HENNES & MAURITZ AB [CBOE] › HENNES + MAURITZ B SK-125 › Nieuws › Why Is H&M Struggling? HENNES + MAURITZ B SK-125 OverzichtKoersenGrafiekSignalenNieuwsAnalysesWarrantsProfielWall - EUR (-) - 15 min. vertraagde - Duitsland Aandelen Open: - Verschil: - Volume: - Laag: - Hoog: - Hoog - Laag: - Type: Aandelen Ticker: HMSB ISIN: SE0000106270 Overzicht Koersen Grafiek Signalen Nieuws Analyses Warrants Profiel Wall Why Is H&M Struggling? 210 0 Though H&M's business has been struggling as of late, other H&M group brands have been doing well, according to the company's CEO, Karl-Johan Persson. Wochit