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Tikehau Capital: Information Relating to the Total Number of Voting Rights and Shares as of 31 May 2023

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Regulatory News:

Tikehau Capital (Paris:TKO):


Total number of shares

Total number of voting rights



31 May 2023




(1) The notional voting rights correspond to the total number of voting rights which are attached to all the shares, including those with no voting rights (statement in compliance with the article 223-11 of the General Regulations of the Financial Markets Authority).

(2) The exercisable voting rights correspond to the total number of shares exercisable at shareholders meetings. They are calculated on the basis of the total number of voting rights attached to the total number of actions, net of the shares with no voting rights (treasury shares…).

Tikehau Capital
32 rue de Monceau – 75008 Paris
477 599 104 RCS Paris

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