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Ticker: FAGR
ISIN: BE0003874915

Fagron increases share capital through exercise subscription rights

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Regulated information
Nazareth (Belgium)/Rotterdam (The Netherlands), 3 May 2023 – 8:00 AM CET

Fagron increases share capital through exercise subscription rights

Fagron, the leading global player in pharmaceutical compounding, announces that as a result of the exercise of subscription rights, 236,250 new shares have been issued on 2 May 2023. These newly issued shares are entitled to dividend as of financial year 2022.

In accordance with the Belgian transparency legislation, Fagron notes that its total share capital currently amounts to € 503,719,216.61. The total number of shares with voting rights following the issue amounts to 73,228,904 which is also the total number of voting rights (the ‘denominator’).

The total number of subscription rights (formerly known as warrants) to subscribe to unissued shares with voting rights currently amounts to 1,570,833.

Further information
Karen Berg
Global Investor Relations Manager
Tel. +31 6 53 44 91 99
[email protected]

About Fagron
Fagron is a leading global company active in pharmaceutical compounding, focusing on delivering personalized medicine to hospitals, pharmacies, clinics and patients in more than 30 countries around the world.

Belgian company Fagron NV has its registered office in Nazareth and is listed on Euronext Brussels and Euronext Amsterdam under the ticker symbol ‘FAGR’. Fagron’s operational activities are managed by the Dutch company Fagron BV, which is headquartered in Rotterdam.

In the event of differences between the English translation and the Dutch original of this press release, the latter prevails.

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Fagron increases share capital through exercise subscription rights


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