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Fagron NV: Fagron shareholders approve all proposed resolutions

  • 196

Regulated information
Nazareth (Belgium)/Rotterdam (The Netherlands), May 14th, 2019 - 7:00am CET

Fagron shareholders approve all proposed resolutions

Fagron announces today that the annual general meeting of shareholders and the extraordinary shareholders meeting, both held on May 13th, 2019, have adopted all proposed resolutions.

The annual general meeting approved, amongst other things, the 2018 financial statements and declared a gross dividend of € 0.12 per share for the year 2018. The shareholders have discharged the directors and the statutory auditor who were active during the 2018 financial year. The shareholders also ratified the decision by the board of directors to appoint Mrs. Judy Martins as non-executive director of the Company as from August 1st, 2018, to complete the term of the mandate of WPEF VI Holdco III BE B.V. Furthermore, the meeting decided to reappoint AHOK BVBA, permanently represented by Mr. Koen Hoffman, and Vanzel G. Comm. V., permanently represented by Mrs. Giulia Van Waeyenberge, as independent non-executive director for a period of four years. Deloitte Statutory Auditors CVBA was appointed as statutory auditor for a period of three years. The mandate of Deloitte ends after the annual general meeting of 2022.

The extraordinary shareholders meeting approved, amongst other things, the Warrant Plan 2019 and the issuance of 300,000 warrants. Furthermore, the shareholders renewed the authorization of the board of directors of Fagron to acquire and dispose of treasury shares.

Fagron is paying a gross dividend of € 0.12 per share (coupon number 11). This is a net dividend of € 0.084 per share; being the gross dividend less 30% Belgian dividend withholding tax.

The dividend calendar is as follows:
16 May   Ex-dividend date
17 May   Record date
20 May   Dividend available for payment

In the event of differences between the English translation and the Dutch original of this press release, the latter prevails.


For more information:
Constantijn van Rietschoten
Chief Communications Officer
Tel. +31 6 53 69 15 85
[email protected]

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Source: Fagron NV via Globenewswire

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