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Edinburgh Investment Trust Plc - Result of AGM

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Edinburgh Investment Trust Plc - Result of AGM

PR Newswire

The Edinburgh Investment Trust plc

HEADLINE:    Annual General Meeting Result

At the Annual General Meeting of the Company held on 19 July 2018 shareholders approved the following resolutions:

Ordinary Business

Ordinary Resolutions

1)       to receive and consider the Annual Financial Report for the year ended

          31 March 2018;

2)       to approve the Directors’ Remuneration Policy;

3)       to approve the Annual Statement and Report on Remuneration for the year

          ended 31 March 2018;

4)       to declare a final dividend on the ordinary shares;

5)       to re-elect Glen Suarez as a Director of the Company;

6)       to re-elect Gordon McQueen as a Director of the Company;

7)       to re-elect Maxwell Ward as a Director of the Company;

8)       to re-elect Victoria Hastings as a Director of the Company;

9)       to re-elect Sir Nigel Wicks as a Director of the Company;

10)     to re-appoint KPMG LLP as Auditor;

11)     to authorise the Audit Committee to determine the remuneration of the Auditor;

Special Business (please refer to the Notice of Meeting for the full text of the resolutions)

Ordinary Resolution

12)     to authorise the Directors to allot securities;

Special Resolutions

13)     to authorise the Directors to allot securities for cash, disapplying statutory pre-emption rights;

14)     to renew the Directors’ authority to purchase shares of the Company in the market for cancellation or for holding in Treasury within the parameters specified; and

15)     that the period of notice required for general meetings of the Company (other than AGMs) shall be not less than 14 days’ notice;

The resolutions were passed on a show of hands.  The proxy votes lodged with the Registrar will shortly be available via the Company’s website at:


Invesco Asset Management Limited

Corporate Company Secretary

19 July 2018

PR Newswire
PR Newswire