TRESU Investment Holding A/S – Settlement of interest payment by issuance of interest bonds
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TRESU Investment Holding A/S – Settlement of interest payment by issuance of interest bonds
Capitalised terms used but not defined are used with the meanings given to them in the Terms and Conditions (as defined below).
TRESU Investment Holding A/S gives notice to the holders of its Senior Secured Floating Rate Bonds 2017/2027 with ISIN no. DK0030404967 (the “Bonds”) issued pursuant to the terms and conditions originally dated 22 September 2017 as last amended and restated on 22 December 2023 (the "Terms and Conditions") that the Interest Payment Test has not been met in respect of the Interest Payment Date on 30 December 2024 and that it will settle the payment of Interest that should have been made on 30 December 2024 by issuance of Interest Bonds in accordance with Clause 8(b) of the Terms and Conditions.
Any questions can be directed to:
Torben Børsting
Chief Financial Officer, TRESU
Phone: +45 5130 2780

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