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Typ: Aktien
Ticker: VIE
ISIN: FR0000124141

Veolia Environnement: Information Relating to the Total Number of Voting Rights Forming the Share Capital

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Regulatory News:

Corporate name of the issuer: Veolia Environnement
21, rue La Boétie
75008 PARIS
(ISIN code: FR0000124141-VIE)


closing date

Total number of shares

forming the share capital *

Total number of voting rights *


March 31, 2020



Total number of theoretical voting rights (1): 602,131,453

Total number of voting rights that may be exercised (2): 589,133,488

* Inclusion in the Veolia Environnement Articles of Association of a clause requiring a reporting obligation of the declaration of crossing a shareholding threshold, complementary to the one relating to the thresholds provided by the French law and the regulations in force (article 8).

(1) Number of theoretical voting rights = after taking into account the number of shares with double voting rights as of March 31, 2020 (34,864,914 shares) and the number of treasury shares held as of March 31, 2020 (12,997,965 shares).
(2) Number of voting rights that may be exercised = number of theoretical voting rights (or total number of voting rights attached to shares) - shares without voting rights (number of treasury shares held as of March 31, 2020).

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