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- 15-min zeitverzögert - Euronext Paris
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Typ: Aktien
Ticker: EXN
ISIN: FR0014005DA7

 Exclusive Networks Buys Back a Block of Shares

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Regulatory News:

As part of HTIVB sale of a stake of circa 3.7% in Exclusive Networks SA (Paris:EXN) by way of a private placement with accelerated book building, Exclusive Networks SA has bought back 0.6% of its shares at a unit price of €19.

This 10-million-euros transaction is financed with the Group's liquidity and is carried out as part of the share buyback program authorized pursuant to the 12th resolution approved by the shareholders’ general meeting held on June 21, 2022.

In accordance with its Press Release of 28 February 2023, the shares will be acquired with a view to remitting them in the context of management package schemes such as allotment of Long-Term Incentives plans represented by free-shares and M&A build-up.

As a consequence of the above, the parameters of the first mandate agreement entered into with Kepler Cheuvreux as part as the share buyback program for a maximum amount of 25 million euros over a period beginning on March 20, 2023, until December 21, 2023, is amended and limited to the remaining.

About Exclusive Networks

Exclusive Networks (EXN) is a global cybersecurity specialist that provides partners and end-customers with a wide range of services and product portfolios via proven routes to market. With offices in over 45 countries and the ability to serve customers in over 170 countries, we combine a local perspective with the scale and delivery of a single global organisation.

Our best-in-class vendor portfolio is carefully curated with all leading industry players. Our services range from managed security to specialist technical accreditation and training and capitalize on rapidly evolving technologies and changing business models. For more information visit www.exclusive-networks.com.

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