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G20, Indonesia: HDF Energy and DFC (US International Development Finance Corporation) announce technical assistance to develop Renewstable(R) green hydrogen power plants in Indonesia.

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Jakarta, 25 November 2022 – PT HDF Energy Indonesia, Hydrogène de France SA (“HDF Energy”) group – Euronext Paris: HDF, global pioneer in hydrogen power plants and high-power fuel cell manufacturer, has formalized a cooperation with DFC (US International Development Finance Corporation) to support the development of Renewstable® multi-megawatt power plants in Indonesia.

Announced on the sidelines of the G20 summit, this cooperation is part of a strategic partnership, including 13 initiatives, between the United States and Indonesia to tackle the climate crisis and promote access to affordable food and energy. It was announced by the US President Joe Biden after holding a meeting with Indonesian President Joko Widodo on November 14, 2022 at the G20 summit.

As an island nation, Indonesia is highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. The majority of Indonesia's energy today comes from fossil fuels, with coal, oil, and gas contributing to over 90 percent of the country's energy. Many parts of the country depend on isolated grids powered by diesel fuel, especially in Eastern Indonesia (in the regions of East Nusa Tenggara, Papua and Maluku) where HDF Energy has a local presence.

Renewstable® multi-megawatt power plants, invented and developed by HDF Energy, could provide a solution to this problem. Renewstable® plants produce entirely non-intermittent, renewable and dispatchable electricity 24/7. They combine an intermittent renewable source and mass, long-term storage of energy through a hydrogen chain, the green alternative to a classic diesel fuel power plant as they only use solar energy and water to produce stable electricity thus avoiding greenhouse emissions and noise.

DFC has committed to providing technical assistance grant funding to HDF Energy to support the development of a portfolio of Renewstable® projects in Indonesia. DFC's technical assistance will go toward various technical studies and feasibility studies for HDF Energy's pipeline of 22 Renewstable®projects in Indonesia, for an investment amount of 1.5 billion USD, with support from development institutions. The first and most advanced project is situated on the island of Sumba, a 10 MW Renewstable® power plant, cornerstone of the Indonesian government's sustainable development program Sumba Iconic Island. To deliver these studies, HDF and DFC are optimizing the engagement of local technical consultants as a way of improving understanding on how hydrogen addresses power sector in the region. These projects will locally create green jobs, thus also contributing to the regional and national economy of Indonesia.

Last month, HDF Energy already signed a Memorandum of Understanding with PT Nusantara Power, a subsidiary of PT PLN Persero (the Indonesian state-owned electric utility), to create synergies on efforts, resources and expertise needed for the study and development of green hydrogen projects. These include HDF Energy's 22 Renewstable® projects for which DFC will provide technical assistance. In addition, both companies will also consider the implementation of hydrogen peaking plants to reduce usage of fossil fuel on existing power plants. The collaboration between HDF Energy and PT PLN Persero will allow to accelerate the development of these hydrogen projects.


Mathieu Geze, President Director, PT HDF Energy Indonesia, declared: “Indonesia is facing unique constraints due to its archipelago context. Our partnership with DFC, combined with our cooperation with PT PLN Nusantara Power (ex PJB), is an important step forward in the development of Renewstable® power plants in Indonesia. These plants could assist Indonesia to decarbonize its grids, by reducing diesel consumptions, while accompanying the Government agenda to support the economic development of Eastern Indonesia. Our projects pipeline emphasizes HDF's leadership position in the global green hydrogen market, and will make Indonesia become a leader of green hydrogen projects in Asia”.


DFC Chief Climate Officer Jake Levine said: “DFC's technical assistance will support HDF Energy as they tackle the first phase of developing innovative clean energy and energy storage projects in Indonesia. HDF's Renewstable® solution is the kind of innovation that will be critical to supporting the global clean energy transition, and DFC is thrilled to support the early stages of this project that has the potential to become a game-changing climate solution.”


Muhamad Reza, Director for Business Development and Commerce, PT PLN Nusantara Power, added: “HDF's Renewstable® solution combining VRE (Variable Renewable Energy), battery and hydrogen storage offers a green alternative to diminishing the diesel consumption in Eastern Indonesia. We are keen to understand the projects' feasibility and explore potential future collaboration with HDF Energy.”


To access the announcement of the cooperation on the website of DFC, click here.

To access the announcement of the strategic partnership on the website of the White House, click here.



HDF Energy is a global pioneer in hydrogen energy. HDF develops, finances, and operates multi-megawatts Hydrogen-Power plants. These plants provide continuous or on-demand electricity from renewable energy sources (wind or solar), combined with high power fuel cells supplied by HDF.

HDF Energy develops two types of Hydrogen-Power plants:

Renewstable® (POWER-TO-POWER): Multi-megawatt power plants, producing stable electricity 24h/day, composed of an intermittent renewable source and on-site hydrogen energy storage.

HyPower® (GAS-TO -POWER): Multi-megawatt power plants producing electricity on demand from green hydrogen from gas transportation networks.

In Asia, HDF Energy is present in Cambodia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam, and will expand its footprint to Japan and India early 2023.


Read financial information on Hydrogène de France
at www.hdf-energy.com


Media contact

PT HDF Energy Indonesia
President Director

Mathieu GEZE
+ 62 812 8952 9057
[email protected]
Relations Investisseurs
+ 33 (0)1 53 67 36 32
[email protected]
Relations Presse
Serena BONI
+33 (0)4 72 18 04 92
[email protected]

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