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Typ: Aktien
Ticker: ALHGO

Implementation of the liquidity Agreement with TP ICAP (Europe) SA

  • 115

Regulatory News:

Hamilton Global Opportunities (ISIN : GB00BMDXQ672 – Ticker : ALHGO), the investment vehicle of Hamilton Ventures, today announces that it has concluded on April 21, 2021, a liquidity contract with TP ICAP (Europe) SA in accordance with the Amafi charter which will take effect on April 26, 2021 in the morning.

This liquidity contract has been concluded in accordance with the decision of the Autorité des marchés financiers n°2018-01 of July 2, 2018, applicable since January 1, 2019, establishing liquidity contracts on equity securities as an accepted market practice.

For the implementation of the new contract concluded with TP ICAP (Europe) SA, the following resources shall be allocated to the liquidity account:

  • €50,000 in cash

Shortly after April 26, 2021, the Company will make an off-market purchase of 1,190 ordinary shares of the Company for €49,980 at €42 per share, corresponding to the share price of the private placement finalized on April 23, 2021, from Gustavo PERROTTA, CEO, to bring those shares to the liquidity account.

About Hamilton Global Opportunities

Hamilton Global Opportunities PLC (“HGO”) evolved from the Hamilton Ventures: Merchant Banking boutique (“Hamilton”) that was founded in 2009 by Sir Peter Middleton and Gustavo Perrotta in response to the valuation-driven growth capital opportunities that became apparent following the financial crisis. Hamilton’s focus has to date been on strategic advisory and “club deals” for direct investments into growth stage private companies. The management team at Hamilton has over the last 12 years gained an enormous amount of experience and developed a unique track record in structuring bespoke direct investments in a diverse portfolio of companies in different sectors and geographies. Through its extensive network of advisors, bankers, co-investors, industry leaders and sector specialists, Hamilton made investments across Social Media, Gaming, Nanotech, Medtech and Fintech in Europe and the United States. As the strategy developed there was a more focused approach with more concentration on Tech, Fintech and MedTech in two main geographies: Silicon Valley and Israel.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210426005184/en/

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