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Pioneering Technology for Fairer and More Sustainable Road Use Charges - Kapsch TrafficCom

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Pilot project of Kapsch TrafficCom and Aventi Intelligent Communication enables a completely new type of tolling for passenger cars.

Austrian IT company Kapsch TrafficCom and its partner Aventi Intelligent Communication have conducted a pilot project in Norway where they tested the tolling technology of the future. The target of the project (conducted during the summer months) was to find out how fee collection for passenger cars is possible based on the vehicle type, its emissions class and the kilometers driven.

The background to this is the rapid decline in vehicle-related tax revenues, particularly due to the high proportion of electric vehicles in Norway – a problem that more and more countries will face in the coming years. The project serves as input to “concept selection study” that was conducted by Norwegian authorities regarding the principles of determining and collecting future road user charges and tolls.

“In total, more than two million kilometers of trips, or about 50 laps around the earth, were analyzed. The system was able to handle the challenging environments of the Norwegian road network, matching routes and calculating rates with an accuracy level above 99%”, comments Alfredo Escriba, Chief Technical Officer at Kapsch TrafficCom.

Fair and user-friendly system

On the one hand road user charging can compensate for the loss of tax revenue by governments, and on the other hand it offers a fair and transparent charging system for road users. While this type of charging is already established for trucks, the tested system could for the first time offer a practicable and user-friendly instrument for passenger cars as well.

Learn more about how other countries continue to innovate in the tolling space, visit Tolling Transformation.

Kapsch TrafficCom is a globally renowned provider of transportation solutions for sustainable mobility with successful projects in more than 50 countries. Innovative solutions in the application fields of tolling, tolling services, traffic management and demand management contribute to a healthy world without congestion.

Kapsch TrafficCom, headquartered in Vienna, has subsidiaries and branches in more than 25 countries and is listed in the Prime Market segment of the Vienna Stock Exchange (ticker symbol: KTCG). In its 2021/22 financial year, 4,220 employees generated revenues of about EUR 520 million.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20221113005080/en/

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