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Ticker: BBW

Build-A-Bear Workshop, Inc. Announces Participation in CL King's 19th Annual Best Ideas Conference

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Build-A-Bear Workshop, Inc. (NYSE: BBW), today announced that Sharon Price John, President and Chief Executive Officer, and Voin Todorovic, Chief Financial Officer, will participate in investor meetings at the CL King 19th Annual Best Ideas Conference on Tuesday, September 14, 2021.

About Build-A-Bear Workshop, Inc.

Build-A-Bear is a multi-generational global brand focused on its mission to “add a little more heart to life” appealing to a wide array of consumer groups who enjoy the personal expression in making their own “furry friends” to celebrate and commemorate life moments. Nearly 500 interactive brick-and-mortar retail locations operated through a variety of formats provide guests of all ages a hands-on entertaining experience, which often fosters a lasting and emotional brand connection. The company also offers an engaging e-commerce/digital purchasing experience called the “Bear-Builder” at In addition, extending its brand power beyond retail, Build-A-Bear Entertainment, a subsidiary of Build-A-Bear Workshop, Inc., is dedicated to creating engaging content for kids and adults that fulfills the company’s mission, while the company also offers products at wholesale and in non-plush consumer categories via licensing agreements with leading manufacturers. Build-A-Bear Workshop, Inc. (NYSE: BBW) posted total revenue of $255.3 million in fiscal 2020. For more information, visit the Investor Relations section of

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