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ISIN: BE0974264930

Ageas and Schroders plc: Transparency notification

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Ageas and Schroders plc: Transparency notification

In accordance with the rules on financial transparency*, Schroders plc has notified Ageas on 19 December 2022 that, on 16 December 2022, its interest has fallen below the statutory threshold of 3% of the shares issued by Ageas.

Reason for the notification
Acquisition or disposal of voting securities or voting rights

Downward crossing of the lowest threshold

Notification by
A parent undertaking or a controlling person

Persons subject to the notification requirement
See annex 1a

Date on which the threshold is crossed
16 December 2022

Threshold that is crossed (in %)


Notification details
See annex 1b

Chain of controlled undertakings through which the holding is effectively held, if applicable
The full chain of command can be found on

Additional information
Holding has gone below 3% articles of association reportable threshold triggering the disclosure obligation.

This press release and the notifications received by Ageas are available on the website.

* article 14, paragraph 1 of the law of 2 May 2007 on disclosure of major holdings us provisions.

Ageas is a listed international insurance Group with a heritage spanning almost 200 years. It offers Retail and Business customers Life and Non-Life insurance products designed to suit their specific needs, today and tomorrow. As one of Europe's larger insurance companies, Ageas concentrates its activities in Europe and Asia, which together make up the major part of the global insurance market. It operates successful insurance businesses in Belgium, the UK, France, Portugal, Turkey, China, Malaysia, India, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Singapore, and the Philippines through a combination of wholly owned subsidiaries and long term partnerships with strong financial institutions and key distributors. Ageas ranks among the market leaders in the countries in which it operates. It represents a staff force of about 40,000 people and reported annual inflows close to EUR 40 billion in 2021 (all figures at 100%).



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