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- 15-min zeitverzögert - Euronext Paris
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Typ: Aktien
Ticker: FDJU
ISIN: FR0013451333

FDJ Completes Acquisition of Aleda

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Regulatory News:

FDJ (Paris:FDJ) is pleased to announce the closing of the acquisition of Aleda, a France-based company specialized in point-of-sale (PoS) systems and processing solutions. The completion of this transaction was subject to the agreement of the French Competition Authority, which authorized the operation under conditions on the 14th of November 2022.

About La Française des Jeux (FDJ Group)

France’s national lottery and leading gaming operator, the #2 lottery in Europe and #4 worldwide, FDJ offers secure, enjoyable and responsible gaming to the general public in the form of lottery games (draws and instant games) and sports betting (ParionsSport), available from physical outlets and online. FDJ’s performance is driven by a portfolio of iconic and recent brands, the #1 local sales network in France, a growing market, recurring investment and a strategy of innovation to make its offering and distribution more attractive with an enhanced gaming experience.

FDJ Group is listed on the Euronext Paris regulated market (Compartment A – FDJ.PA) and is a member of indices including the SBF 120, Euronext 100, Euronext Vigeo 20, EN EZ ESG L 80, STOXX Europe 600, MSCI Europe and FTSE Euro.

For further information, www.groupefdj.com

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