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- Diferidos de 15 min - Euronext Paris
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Tipo: Acciones
Ticker: 74SW
ISIN: FR0011040500

Información de 74SOFTWARE

Sector: Tecnología


Acerca de Axway Ofrecemos el software de Axway, líder en el mercado, y los servicios que permiten a nuestros clientes gestionar los flujo de datos que conducen las interacciones críticas de su negocio. By helping you reimagine your full potential, we reach our own. We started out with this wild idea that, by helping our customers wire up their manual accounting processes and data silos, they could become more efficient than they ever dreamed possible. Well it worked. We invented the world’s first business rules engine, Règle du jeu or RDJ, literally changing the rules of the game, no pun intended. And we learned two things. Organizations were struggling with unlocking value from their data and they couldn’t share real-time insights across departments to speed up decisions. Ever since, we’ve been propelling our customers forward with deep expertise and software that empowers them to tackle their toughest data challenges. With our next generation platform, Axway AMPLIFY™, customers can fuse data from anywhere to power a customer experience network that unites not only employees, but suppliers, partners and developers into an agile force for innovation that’s as fast and fluid as today’s digital consumer.
