Inicio › IBEX35 INDEX › Noticias › Could the IBEX 35 lose more ground 30th May 2018 IBEX35 INDEX FichaCotizacionesGráficoSeñalesNoticiasAnálisisFuturosWarrantsGeneralMuro - EUR (-) - Diferidos de 15 min - Índice IBEX35 Apertura: - Cambio neto: - Volumen: - Mínimo: - Máximo: - Distancia Mín/Máx: - Tipo: Índices Ticker: IBX35 ISIN: ES0SI0000005 Ficha Cotizaciones Gráfico Señales Noticias Análisis Futuros Warrants General Muro Could the IBEX 35 lose more ground 30th May 2018 1294 0 David talks about the sell-off in the IBEX 35 on account of the recent political uncertainty, and discusses if it could lose more ground. Get the latest daily analysis ... CMC Markets