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ISIN: NL0000289213

Wereldhave publishes its FY 2020 annual report and agenda for the 2021 AGM

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Today, Wereldhave N.V. publishes its 2020 Integrated Annual Report and the convocation and agenda for the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM), to be held on April 26 at 11:00h CEST.

In light of the continuing Covid-19 crisis, the Meeting will be held online through a webcast, without physical attendance of shareholders. Shareholders can only exercise vote- and meeting rights if they have registered for the meeting. The registration confirmation contains a URL and a log-in code for the live webstream of the meeting. The Company offers shareholders the possibility to put questions by e-mail to [email protected]. Questions by e-mail can be sent until April 20, 2021 by shareholders who registered for the meeting. At the AGM these questions will be grouped and answered. Shareholders who have timely raised questions, can also put follow-up questions through a live chat function. These follow-up questions will be answered during the meeting, or within two working days afterwards on the website of the Company.

Notification of presence can be made at www.abnamro.com/evoting. Meeting rights can also be exercised by proxy (including electronic proxy). Shareholders who wish to vote by internet, must instruct their bank or broker to inform ABN AMRO before or on 19 April 2021 (before 15:00h CEST) to register their shares for the meeting. Shareholders and usufructuaries with voting rights can give their notification and voting instructions electronically at www.abnamro.com/evoting from 29 March 2021 up to and including 19 April 2021 (before 15:00h CEST).

Intermediaries are requested to give full address details of the respective holders of shares, in order to facilitate an efficient check of their holdings at the record date.

Shareholders are advised to regularly check our website for any further updates.



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