Wereldhave: Matthijs Storm appointed as CEO of Wereldhave
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Matthijs Storm appointed as CEO of Wereldhave
The Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders (EGM) of Wereldhave N.V., approved the appointment of Mr. Matthijs Storm as Statutory Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Wereldhave N.V. His term will start at August 1, 2019 and will end April 2023.
Matthijs Storm is an internationally experienced real estate professional with extensive knowledge of real estate and data technology. Previously, he held the position of Chief Investment Officer Real Estate & Head of Real Estate Investments and member of the Management team at Kempen Capital Management Investments (since 2011). Before, he held positions at Clarion Securities (owned by ING Real Estate and thereafter CBRE IM) and Fortis.
Press contact
Ruud van Maanen
Director Investor Relations & Corporate Development
[email protected]
+ 31 (0) 20 702 78 43
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