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Ticker: AMD
ISIN: AU000000AMD2

Arrow Minerals Ltd (AMD.AX) Simandou North Update and Corporate Presentation

  • 92
Perth, Australia (ABN Newswire) - Arrow Minerals Limited (ASX:AMD) refers to the ASX Announcement dated 15 January 2024 titled 'Simandou North achieves high quality hematite fines.' The Announcement, which includes results of recent metallurgical testwork on the Simandou Formation Oxide BIF at its Simandou North Iron Project, has been re-released to include the following information required in respect of Listing Rule 5.7.1:

- JORC Table 1; and

- Location map of the test samples.

The Company attaches a Corporate Presentation which includes additional information.

*To view the updated announcement please visit:

To view the Corporate Presentation, please visit:

About Arrow Minerals Ltd:

Arrow Minerals Ltd (ASX:AMD) is an exploration and development company focused on delivering long-term shareholder value through the discovery of economic mineral deposits in West Africa. The Company has implemented a systematic science-based exploration philosophy whilst remaining commercially nimble to ensure we capture and retain value.

Arrow Minerals Ltd


Arrow Minerals Ltd
E: [email protected]

ABN Newswire
ABN Newswire

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