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ISIN: FR001400AJ60

Charwood EnerCharwood Energy announces the commissioning of a hygienization unit coupled with a biomass heating system in Normandygy:

  • 124
  • 21/12/2023 - 16:45

Charwood Energy
Charwood EnerCharwood Energy announces the commissioning of a hygienization unit coupled with a biomass heating system in Normandygy:

21-Dec-2023 / 17:45 CET/CEST
Dissemination of a French Regulatory News, transmitted by EQS Group.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.


Press release

Saint-Nolff, December 21, 2023



Charwood Energy announces the commissioning of a hygienization unit coupled with a biomass heating system in Normandy



Charwood Energy (ISIN: FR001400AJ60, ticker: ALCWE), a French specialist in customized solutions for biomass energy recovery, announces the commissioning of a hygienization unit coupled with a biomass heating system at the Methadomf site in the Normandy region.


At a biogas-producing methanization unit operated by a consortium comprising a municipality and 15 farms in Normandy, Charwood Energy designed and built a hygienization and drying unit coupled with a biomass containerized heating system with a view to complying with regulatory requirements and improving the site's self-sufficiency.

After only 18 months of works, the hygienization unit is now up and running, already recovering more than 180 cbm a day, i.e. more than 52,000 tons of agricultural waste per year from participating farms. The 550kW biomass heating system can efficiently and autonomously heat three tanks with a capacity of 15 cbm each. A heat recovery unit allows up to 40% of the energy produced to be saved. All of the biomass used is sourced from a range of less than 50km, the majority of which is produced autonomously on the participating farms.

To bolster the site’s energy self-sufficiency, a biogas cogeneration engine was installed and connected by the group's teams in order to enable direct use, when needed, of this energy, which is decorrelated from market price fluctuations.

Sales on this project amount to €1.1 million for 2023. It demonstrates Charwood Energy's ability to participate in biomass recovery projects with innovative solutions offering greater energy flexibility.

The biogas produced from this unit will mainly be reinjected into the GRDF natural gas network.

This latest achievement confirms the relevance of the agricultural methanization model which enables players to move away from fossil fuels by producing carbon-free energy at a local level, while also reducing the carbon footprint at the regional level.



Next publication

February 29, 2024: Revenue for fiscal year 2023



About Charwood Energy

Convinced that biomass is one of the keys to meeting the challenges of the energy transition, Charwood Energy designs, installs and maintains customized solutions for the production of renewable energy from biomass.

Charwood Energy possesses a wealth of technical know-how and is proficient in all biomass recovery technologies - heating systems and networks, methanization and pyrogasification.

Positioned since 2019 in the promising process of pyrogasification, Charwood Energy is now also involved in the development and operation of pyrogasification units on its own account, to produce and sell green gas (syngas), biochar and carbon credits to industrial customers, through direct supply contracts.

The company is listed on Euronext Growth® Paris (ISIN: FR001400AJ60, ticker: ALCWE) - Eligible for inclusion in French PEA and PEA-PME equity savings plans. Charwood Energy has also been named an “Innovative Company” by Bpifrance.

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+33 (0)2 97 26 46 30


Investor Relations

Ghislaine Gasparetto

+33 (0)1 56 88 11 22


Press Relations

Michael Scholze

+33 (0)1 56 88 11 14



Regulatory filing PDF file

File: PR_Charwood Energy - Methadomf

Language: English
Company: Charwood Energy
1 Rue Benjamin Franklin - P.A. de Kerboulard
56250 Saint-Nolff
Phone: 0297264630
ISIN: FR001400AJ60
Euronext Ticker: ALCWE
AMF Category: Inside information / Other releases
EQS News ID: 1802575
End of Announcement EQS News Service

1802575  21-Dec-2023 CET/CEST

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EQS Group