LECTRA: Q1 2023 financial report available
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Q1 2023 financial report available
Paris, April 27, 2023 – Lectra informs its shareholders, in compliance with Article 221-4-IV of the General Regulation of the Autorité des marchés financiers, that the Management Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations for the first quarter 2023 is available on the company's website: www.lectra.com
It is also available, upon request, by email: [email protected]
About Lectra:
As a major player in the fashion, automotive and furniture markets, Lectra contributes to the Industry 4.0 revolution with boldness and passion by providing best-in-class technologies.
The group offers industrial intelligence solutions - software, equipment, data and services - that facilitate the digital transformation of the companies it serves. In doing so, Lectra helps its customers push boundaries and unlock their potential. The group is proud to state that its 2,500 employees are driven by three core values: being open-minded thinkers, trusted partners and passionate innovators.
Founded in 1973, Lectra reported revenues of 522 million euros in 2022 and is listed on Euronext (LSS).
For more information, please visit www.lectra.com.
Lectra – World Headquarters: 16–18, rue Chalgrin • 75016 Paris • France
Tel. +33 (0)1 53 64 42 00 – www.lectra.com
A French Société Anonyme with capital of €37,788,949 • RCS Paris B 300 702 305

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