Inicio › HASBRO INC. › Noticias › Why The Toy Boom Has Been Good For Monopoly Maker Hasbro HASBRO INC. FichaCotizacionesGráficoSeñalesNoticiasAnálisisWarrantsGeneralMuro - USD (-) - Diferidos de 15 min - Acciones NASDAQ Apertura: - Cambio neto: - Volumen: - Mínimo: - Máximo: - Distancia Mín/Máx: - Tipo: Acciones Ticker: HAS ISIN: Ficha Cotizaciones Gráfico Señales Noticias Análisis Warrants General Muro Why The Toy Boom Has Been Good For Monopoly Maker Hasbro 261 0 While many industries were ravaged by the pandemic in 2020, the toy industry enjoyed a 16% increase — or $3.5 billion — in sales from 2019. With families ... CNBC