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Tipo: Acciones
Ticker: RTX_DC
ISIN: DK0010267129

Resolutions adopted at the Annual General Meeting of RTX A/S CORRECTION: adoption of agenda item 7.1

  • 117

Nørresundby, Denmark, 25 January 2024
Announcement no. 07/2024

Today, 25 January 2024, RTX A/S held its Annual General Meeting at which the following decisions were made:

  • The annual report for the financial year 2022/23 was adopted (item 2).
  • The suggestion not to distribute any dividend for the financial year 2022/23 was approved (item 3).
  • Peter Thostrup, Jesper Mailind, Lars Christian Tofft and Henrik Schimmell were re-elected and Katja Millard and Mogens Vedel Hestbæk were newly elected to the Board of Directors for a one-year term (item 4).  
  • KPMG Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab was appointed as the company’s auditors (item 5).
  • The Remuneration Report for 2022/23 was approved in the advisory vote (item 6).
  • The following proposal form the Board of Directors was adopted:
    • Authorization to the Board of Directors to increase the company’s share capital one or more times with a maximum of nominally DKK 4,233,919 shares without pre-emptive rights for the Company’s existing shareholders and that the Articles of Association are updated accordingly (item 7.1).
  • The following proposal from the Board of Directors was adopted:
    • Authorization to attorney Henrik Møgelmose to inform the Danish Business Authority of the resolutions passed and to make any resulting changes to the Company’s Articles of Associations (item 7.2).

At a meeting of the Board immediately after the AGM, the Board constituted itself with Peter Thostrup as Chair and Henrik Schimmell as Deputy Chair. Further, Mogens Vedel Hestbæk was selected as Chair of the Audit Committee with Peter Thostrup and Henrik Schimmell as members of the Committee. Peter Thostrup, Jesper Mailind and Henrik Schimmell were selected as members of the Nomination & Remuneration Committee.

Yours sincerely


Chair                             President & CEO



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