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Tivoli increase expectations following a historic Halloween and solid to the Christmas season

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Tivoli's Christmas season started on November 15th and has so far been well-visited by guests from both home and abroad. Tivoli's Christmas market has been ranked as one of the world's most beautiful Christmas markets, and Tivoli looks forward to a splendid end to 2024, which will mark a very special year for Tivoli. The recently concluded Halloween season ended with record-breaking revenue and earnings, and this, combined with the solid start to the Christmas season, makes Tivoli increase its expectations for the year’s financial results.

Tivoli's most recently announced expectations for 2024 were a revenue of around DKK 1,250 million and a profit before tax of around DKK 130 million. With this increase, Tivoli now expects a revenue of around DKK 1,300 million and a profit before tax of around DKK 150 million.

Tivoli's seasons are well-visited, and guests spend both time and money when they visit the Gardens. Tivoli's business is strong, which means that Tivoli is now looking at a profit before tax of approximately DKK 150 million, which is historically high. We look forward to the beautiful Christmas season bringing joy to both young and old throughout December and actually all the way until January 5th” says CEO, Susanne Mørch Koch.

Best regards,

Tom Knutzen                Susanne Mørch Koch
Chairman                     CEO

Contact person: Head of press, Torben Plank phone 22237440 / [email protected]


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