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Ticker: SIGHT
ISIN: FR0013183985

GenSight Biologics: Annual General Meeting on June 21, 2023

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Regulatory News:

GenSight Biologics (Euronext: SIGHT, ISIN: FR0013183985, PEA-PME eligible), a biopharma company focused on developing and commercializing innovative gene therapies for retinal neurodegenerative diseases and central nervous system disorders, announced that it will hold its Annual General Meeting on June 21, 2023, at 9:00 am CEST at the Company’s headquarters, 74 rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine, 75012 Paris, France.

The General Meeting will also be webcast live for shareholders on the Company’s website ( The notice containing the agenda and draft resolutions was published in the French BALO on May 17, 2023. The notice confirming the time and place of the meeting will be published in the French BALO and in a legal gazette on June 5, 2023.

The preparatory documents for the General Meeting listed in Article R. 22-10-23 of the French Commercial Code are posted on the Company’s website ( in the Investors, Documentation section.

The preparatory documents for the General Meeting will also be made available to shareholders as of the convening of the meeting.

It is specified that the full text of the documents intended to be presented to the Meeting, in accordance in particular with Articles L. 225-115 and R. 225-83 of the Commercial Code, are made available at the Company’s headquarters.

From the date of the convocation and until the fifth day inclusive before the meeting, any shareholder may ask the Company to send him the documents and information mentioned in Articles R. 225-81 and R. 225-83 of the Commercial Code, preferably by email to the following address: [email protected]. Bearer shareholders must justify this status by sending an account registration certificate.

About GenSight Biologics

GenSight Biologics S.A. is a clinical-stage biopharma company focused on developing and commercializing innovative gene therapies for retinal neurodegenerative diseases and central nervous system disorders. GenSight Biologics’ pipeline leverages two core technology platforms, the Mitochondrial Targeting Sequence (MTS) and optogenetics, to help preserve or restore vision in patients suffering from blinding retinal diseases. GenSight Biologics’ lead product candidate, LUMEVOQ® (GS010; lenadogene nolparvovec), has been submitted for marketing approval in Europe for the treatment of Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON), a rare mitochondrial disease affecting primarily teens and young adults that leads to irreversible blindness. Using its gene therapy-based approach, GenSight Biologics’ product candidates are designed to be administered in a single treatment to each eye by intravitreal injection to offer patients a sustainable functional visual recovery.

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