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ISIN: NL0010801007

IMCD reports 28% EBITA growth in the first three months of 2019

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Rotterdam, The Netherlands (8 May 2019) - IMCD N.V. (“IMCD” or “Company”), a leading distributor of speciality chemicals and food ingredients, today announces its first three months 2019 results.

• Gross profit growth of 23% to EUR 157.9 million (+23% on a constant currency basis)
• Operating EBITA increase of 28% to EUR 63.7 million (+27% on a constant currency basis)
• Net result before amortisation and non-recurring items increase of 27% to EUR 44.5 million (+26% on a constant currency basis)
• Cash earnings per share increased by 25% to EUR 0.83 (first three months of 2018: EUR 0.67)

Piet van der Slikke, CEO: "The year started very well with an EBITA growth of 28%, strong free cash flow and an increase of earnings per share of 22%. The Americas and Asia Pacific outperformed whereas EMEA could not continue its strong growth of last year. The integration of the businesses acquired in 2018 in Europe (Velox), the US (E.T. Horn) and India (Aroma Chemicals) progresses according to plan. We will continue to work hard to further strengthen our business model and to deliver positive results for all our stakeholders."

Please find attached the full press release.





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