- EUR (-)
- 15 min Ritardato - Euronext Amsterdam
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Tipologia: Azioni
Ticker: WHA
ISIN: NL0000289213

Wereldhave: Wereldhave convenes EGM

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Wereldhave convenes EGM

Today, Wereldhave N.V. announces that an Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders (EGM) will be held on July 9, 2019 on 14:00h CET at the Hilton Amsterdam Airport Schiphol Hotel, Schiphol Boulevard 701, Schiphol.

The EGM is convened to request the shareholders to appoint Mr. Matthijs Storm as Statutory Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Wereldhave N.V., starting at August 1, 2019 up to and including April 2023.

The full agenda and annexes for the meeting can be found on our website and on www.securitiesinfo.com.


Ruud van Maanen
Director IR & Corporate Development
[email protected]
+ 31 (0) 20 702 78 43





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