- EUR (-)
- 15 min Ritardato - Euronext Paris
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Tipologia: Azioni
Ticker: TKTT
ISIN: FR0004188670

FY 2021 results: Sustained sales growth, in particular in the fourth quarter Profitability negatively impacted by inflation – Continued increases in sale prices

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FY 2021 results:

Sustained sales growth, in particular in the fourth quarter

Profitability negatively impacted by inflation – Continued increases in sale prices

FY 2021 results:

  • Sustained activity in Q4: revenue up strongly, by +16.5% as compared with Q4 2020, including +6.3% due to increased sale prices
  • In 2021, net sales up by +6.0% over the fiscal year (+6.4% at constant exchange rates and scope of consolidation)
  • Adjusted EBITDA of €229 million in 2021, or 8.2% of sales
  • Unprecedented increases in purchasing costs: €178 million as compared with 2020, in line with the estimates given in Q3, of which €93 million offset by increases in sale prices
  • Continued structural cost reductions: €65 million in savings in 2021, bringing the total cost reduction to €143 million in three years, surpassing the initial objective of €120 million over the 2019-2022 period
  • Net profit of €15 million in 2021, as compared with a loss of -€19 million in 2020
  • Positive free cash flow of €20 million, despite the increase in working capital requirement resulting from activity levels and inflation
  • Net debt stable at €476 million, controlled leverage of 2.1x adjusted EBITDA as of the end of December 2021
  • Continued increases in sale prices with the objective of neutralizing the impact of inflation on purchasing costs in 2022

Paris, February 16, 2022: The Supervisory Board of Tarkett (Euronext Paris: FR0004188670 TKTT), which met today, reviewed the Group’s consolidated results for the 2021 fiscal year.



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