- Dati in tempo reale - Cryptocompare
Apertura: | - |
Variazione: | - |
Volumi: | - |
Minimo: | - |
Massimi: | - |
Distanza Mas/Min: | - |
Tipologia: | Criptovalute |
Ticker: | DOGEUSDT |
Analisi Tecnica DOGECOIN - DOGE/USDT - 4H – Pubblicata il 15/11/2022 (GMT)
- 191
- 0
- Chi ha votato?
- Grafico + Trading unidirezionale
- Direzione : Long/Short/Neutra
- |
- Posizioni long sopra a : 0,0916
- |
- Posizioni short sotto a : 0,0895
- |
- Area neutra a partire da : 0,0895
- |
- Area neutra fino a : 0,0916
- Timeframe : 4H
Questo membro ha dichiarato non detenere nessuna posizione su questo strumento finanziario.
Informazioni sull'autore
Become a MASTER in Technical Analysis of Stock Market Charts
Let me surprise you with this book! My 20 years of experience in technical analysis have allowed me to go far beyond theory. Each chart pattern is thoroughly reviewed in practice, offering insights into new targets. The exploration of various technical indicators should also encourage you to reconsider how you use them. It's an opportunity to discover new analysis tools or reconfigure the ones you already use.
Let me surprise you with this book! My 20 years of experience in technical analysis have allowed me to go far beyond theory. Each chart pattern is thoroughly reviewed in practice, offering insights into new targets. The exploration of various technical indicators should also encourage you to reconsider how you use them. It's an opportunity to discover new analysis tools or reconfigure the ones you already use.
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