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PR Newswire

SPECTRIS plc: Voting Results of Spectris plc Annual General Meeting 2017

The Annual General Meeting of Spectris plc was held on Friday 26 May 2017 at 12.30pm. All resolutions were passed on a show of hands. Resolutions 18 to 21 were passed as Special Resolutions.

The table below sets out the proxy voting results.

Resolution Number of Votes For % of Votes Cast Number of Votes Against % of Votes Cast Total % of Voting Capital voted Number of Votes Withheld
1. To receive and consider the annual report and accounts of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2016 95,086,321 99.93% 61,000 0.06% 79.82% 5,118
2. To approve the Directors’ Remuneration Policy 93,190,031 98.46% 1,445,329 1.53% 79.82% 517,033
3. To approve the Directors’ Remuneration Report 94,315,494 99.11% 835,995 0.88% 79.82% 950
4. To declare a final dividend of 34.0p per ordinary share for the year ended 31 December 2016 94,598,113 99.95% 37,094 0.04% 79.82% 517,232
5. To elect as a Director Mrs K Wiklund 95,100,553 99.99% 769 0.01% 79.82% 50,599
6. To re-elect as a Director Dr J L M Hughes Resolution withdrawn
7. To re-elect as a Director Mr J E O’Higgins 93,806,761 98.94% 992,657 1.05% 79.82% 353,021
8. To re-elect as a Director Mr R J King 94,218,504 99.06% 883,336 0.93% 79.82% 50,599
9. To elect as a Director Mr U Quellmann 94,932,675 99.81% 169,165 0.18% 79.82% 50,599
10. To elect as a Director Mr W C Seeger 94,932,675 99.81% 169,165 0.18% 79.82% 50,599
11. To re-elect as a Director Mr C G Watson 94,350,615 99.20% 751,225 0.79% 79.82% 50,599
12. To re-elect as a Director Mrs M B Wyrsch 94,932,042 99.81% 169,798 0.18% 79.82% 50,599
13. To appoint Deloitte LLP as auditor of the Company 95,125,200 99.96% 26,570 0.03% 79.82% 669
14. To authorise the Directors to agree the remuneration of Deloitte LLP as auditor of the Company 94,634,297 99.45% 517,531 0.54% 79.82% 611
15. To authorise the continued operation of the Spectris Performance Share Plan 93,984,929 98.77% 1,161,321 1.22% 79.82% 6,189
16. To approve the Spectris Savings Related Share Option Scheme 94,726,604 99.60% 372,905 0.39% 79.82% 52,883
17. To authorise the Directors to allot shares 89,674,744 94.23% 5,477,512 5.76% 79.82% 0
18. To empower the Directors to allot equity securities for cash 95,141,079 99.98% 10,745 0.01% 79.82% 0
19. To empower the Directors to allot equity securities for cash 91,464,834 96.12% 3,686,440 3.87% 79.82% 550
20. To authorise the Company to make market purchases of shares 94,562,864 99.41% 551,280 0.58% 79.82% 37,680
21. That the period of notice required for general meetings of the Company (other than annual general meetings) shall be not less than 14 clear days’ notice 87,148,724 91.58% 8,002,549 8.41% 79.82% 550

* A vote withheld is not a vote in law and is not counted in the calculation of proportion of votes For and Against a resolution.

Any votes that gave the Chairman discretion have been included in the For votes.

The total number of Ordinary Shares in issue at close of business on 24 May 2017 was 125,005,123 and the total voting capital was 119,214,124.

In accordance with Listing Rule 9.6.2 R, copies of resolutions 15 to 21 will shortly be available for inspection at the National Storage Mechanism, which is located at http://www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/NSM.

Name of contact and telephone number for queries:

Rebecca Dunn

Deputy Company Secretary

01784 470 470

Date:  26 May 2017

PR Newswire
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